JULY, 1899.]
(58) karun, to make (compounded with many Arabic and Persian nouns; e. g., qaid, to imprison); aor. 3 sg. masc.kor, by him; korut, by thee; korum, by me; u korun, by him; korwą, by you; koruk, by them; korunak, by him to them;
korus, by him to
him; kornas, by him to him;
timav kari,46 they by them;
karin, by them;
(63) 45 kheun, to eat; with
گرنس ; tohi boroas, by you he مه گرون ; kor tae, by her to him امر کر
(59) karandvun (causal of the foregoing), to cause to make; aor. 3 sg. m. karaudet, by thee; 3 ag. f. sharanbook.
khati [3 ag. f. 4 khats; plup. II., 3 sg. m. causal ef kláraávum.)
(60) 45 khárun (causal of 4 khasun, No. 61), to cause to ascend, to lift up, to draw up, to fetch; aor. 3 sg. m. khirak, by them. (61) khasun, to ascend, mount; to rise (of the sun); to survive anything (e. g., a disease); aor. 3 sg. m. Shot (was hot): 3 pl. m.
khatee). (Double
(62) khátsun, to fear; aor. 1 sg. m. khátsu (khits); 3 pl. m.
on, wear (clothes); with
8g. m.
to graze; aor. 3 sg. m. stes khyar, 7 by him or them; by them: 3 sg. f. 45 kheyan, by him.
korunawa, by him to you; aor. 3 pl. m.. karik, they by them; karit, by thee;
barihas, by them to him.
ثم (تو) لوئی
(3) tymi logun, by him to her;
. .to haitans & ag به کهوچی .khates کهرچ
qsi logi, we were hired.
(64) khyavun, to cause to eat; with khuntu, to vex any one; aor.
2 sg. masc. 45 khyovuk, thou by us.
gandun, to bind; aor. 3 sg. f. w
gandan, by him.
lágun, to plough, to thrust against, to put against; with 43 athą, a hand, to apply the hand, handle, touch; with &J nali, the bosom and neck, to put
khantu, to be vexed; with a gása, grass,
46 [The original has kor throughout the pl. which is an evident slip.] [The Kasmira-sabdAmrita gives ekhy ́v (kryauv).]
,hyok كهيون
masuri, to labour, to hire, employ on hire; aor. (timas) 18g (169), by him, by them; lôguy, by him to thee: 1 pl. m. 35 (-1)