No. 267
The only geographical name mentioned in the inscription is Kanyakubja, modern Kanoj in the Farrukhabad District, Uttar Pradesh. In the present state of our knowledge, it is not possible to determine who the Kanyakubja contemporary of Dindirāja Karka was. But he may have been an ancestor of the great Yasövarman who ruled from Kanoj in the first half of tho eighth century A.D.
[Metres : verses 1, 5 Anushțubh ; verses 2-4 Sārdūlavikridita.] 1 ..... | Siddham na[maḥ |] Kāl-āñjana-rajah-puñja-dyuta[yő] .. 2 ... [I*] [Ma*]hāvarāha-rūpāya jangamāsya) .. 3 .. [I 1*] [As*TI*]n=Maurya-nsip-ānvayè narapatiḥ śrt-Krishộarāj[8] -
--UUS d-Aryarāja-nçipatiḥ śri-Chandragupt-āt[m]a--- [*]
- Ulo [tu Djindirāja iti yaḥ Karkkaḥ pra --- U-1 --- hya12 [cha] Kānyakuvja(bja) m-ajayam yõ=bhāņi --
2*) ---UU-u nirmmala-mahipuny-zvyavachchhitta) -13
-UU-U- Etta) mahatā mūlyona yat-kāritam(tam) syā[d=a] -uu
-U-UUU- [Sau]rohu siro vēshțitun mālākās vu-. 10 U-UUU-[la]wlhabuha)vyam avyāhatam(tam) |[| 3*Bhāsvān=yāvald=8]
From impressions. I am indebted for a few suggestions to Dr. B. Ch. Chhabra. At the left upper end of the inscribed stone, there are four aksharas which appear to be preceded by a damaged Siddham symbol and to read Ya[du]-ra(ra)jyle). As already noted above, these characters are slightly later than those of the record under study and are probably not a part of it.
* There are traces here of an akshara which may be jyé. It is difficult to determine its significance and to say whether the passage incised above this part and referred to in note above was written at a later date in imitation of the one that had been engravod hore.
* Expressed by symbol. . The lost syllables may be conjecturally restored as Vishnavi namah . An expression like mahatmanê would suit the contoxt. • The remnant of this vowel-mark suggests that it was of the ornamental type found in Sri in line 3. * We may suggest the restoration of a word like bali or jayi horo.
& The lost aksharas may be conjecturally restored as T'ad-namot-bhana'. The letter road as då should net be confused with nda. Cf. ndra in line 4 and dinar in lino 13.
• The intended word is no doubt atmaja. 10 Tho lost syllables may be conjecturally restored as an laeya. 11 The expression may be conjecturally restored as pratáp-dbrayad. 11 The words may be conjecturally restored as lan=nirdahya. 11 The intended word is most probably "chchhillaye.
14 Tho akshara before reb looks like sau; but the lower part of the right limb of l is not ornem or. 1:1 found elsewhere in the epigraph.
# Tho intended or pression may be mäläkara-rikdya, i.e. guild of the florists.
The word intended here may have been eau.