nārāyana and ra in Tirakbhukti. Similarly, two forms of the letters j, r and h have been used in the legend on No. 2 as in that of No. 1. The akshara éri before Bhairava, which exhibits the sign of later punching on coin No. 1, seems to be badly shaped on coin No. 2. In spite, however, of these differences, the arrangement of the letters and numerical figures in the legends on both the coins is the same. But, as indicated above, some of these letters and figures in the spaces outside the central square are cut off on Coin No. 2. The legend in the central squares on both sides of Coin No. 2 reads as follows:
1 Ma2 hārāja3 [srī)-Darppanāră4 yan-ātma
Reverse 1 TI2 rabh[u]kti3 rāja-[śr]i-Bhaira4 vas[im]ha5 sya [ll*]
5 ja
Of the letters and numerical figures in the spaces outside the square on the obverse, Sa in the upper left is partly visible while ka in the upper right is quite clear. Sam in the lower left is almost totally cut off, though only the lower parts of the figures 1411 in the lower right are lost. Similarly, in the spaces outside the central square on the reverse of the coin, it is difficult to recognise rā in the upper left and jya in the upper right, while the numerical figure in the lower left and that in the lower right are both cut off. The akshara jya is fully preserved but is not properly shaped,