Page 3, text line 2.--For Nrigatapha-ndid the facsimile reads wugutārthu-rmt, 'whoro Tane corresponded to its meaning'. Accordingly, canoel in the Index the entry Nriyatapha, # #. Kshēmarikara' (p. 394). For two similar cases in which m.gruadings have been taken for propor namen se Ind. Ant., Vol. XIII, p. 123, note 7.-E. H.
Corrigenda to "Two Inscriptions from Gawarwad and Annigeri”
and “Gadag Inscription of Vikramaditya VI” in Epigraphia Indica, Vol. XV, p. 337 foll.
Rao Bahadur R. Narasimhachar has kindly sent me the following correctious to these two pajers--
Page 340, 11, 9-10: aldang," of his lord ", and visvasad-al, trusty nervant." , ,, ul. 16-17: for nada read noda, “behold !" and nädadig afhlam, "grenter than
the ordinary," i.e., extraordinary. 341, . 47-48: "Let the whole world fold its hands in roverence, the sun will not
pay a pie. Will he give what is desired (bagedudan), like the sun of
Belvala P" 881, 1. 19: verse 22 refers to the ox of Dharma standing upright on its four feet. 352, 11. 30–31: read Somātvara-bhatta rinn-orege. Vësha-dharigal-hypocrites. 353, 1. 32: read alli kallare ballar, i.e., only those who are trained under him
know it. » » 1. 39: read bistya-pathana-fravandni. ,354, l. 46: read imdu-kirtti.
355, 1. 60: correct to dhanya-targgada. , 1. 63: read pancha-ratnada dibyabharanada pararadin; pasara-collection, store,
shop. , 359, rerse 42: gura signifies both" wick" and " virtae."
L. D, BARNETT. MGIPC-81--X-8-84-81-7-28440.