Elements of Matter
and its permanence. It is to be noted that karma (action) of the Vaiseșika school of thought corresponds to paryāya (mode) of Jaina metaphysics.
According to the Vaibhāșika school, Dharma (element) possessing the nature of momentary change has been accepted as momentary and a separate substantial entity has not been. admitted as the substratum of action. Therefore, it is held that. the existing (i. e. apparent) shapes like long, etc., have been called kriyā (action or activity) popularly. There cannot be a. separate kriyā (action), although Dharmas are changing at every moment (pratik şaņa-pariņāmin).
These Kāyavijñaptirūpa-sansthānas (physical intimationlike shapes), such as, long, etc., are apprehended by the eye without the perception of colour (rūpadarśına). One man perceives another one walking on road as long; there does not exist any apprehension of colour with that perception, i. e. perception of colour as co-existing with shape. That is to say, some one perceives even the body of a person as long and when he goes on some particular path, then that kriyā (going) is. regarded as long. In the apprehension of physical length at the first sight there is the perception of colours, such as, blue, etc., as co-existing with it. So one perceives the colour of the body and its length simultaneously. But when one regards the going of that person as long, there does not remain the perception of any colour associated with that going. As these shapes are of the nature of Kāyavijñapti (physical intimation), so in order to explain them separately, the shapes, such as, long (or length), etc., have been defined in the third division. In order to inform that there are the shapes like long, etc., besides vijñaptisvabhāva (nature of intimation), cloud, smoke, dust 1. Vaibhāsikānāmayamabhiprāyaḥ niladigrahaņamātapālo
kagrahanaṁ vā sansthānanirapeksan pravarttate; kāyavijñaptigrahaņantu varṇanirapekșani parišiştarūpāyatanagrahanantu varnasamsthānapeksami pravarttateAbh. K., 1. 10 Sphutārthā.
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