The Concept of Matter in Jaina Philosophy
speech, hands, foot, anus and the organ of procreation1 as indriyas. Just as Vacaspati Miśra and Jayanta Bhatta spoke against the acceptance of karmendriyas of the Samkhya as indriyas, just so Acarya Hemacandra also, having refuted indriyatva (the state of sense-organ) of karmendriya, followed the previous Jaina Acāryas like Pujyapāda and others who argued in this manner: "This is the section dealing with consciousness. Those that are the instruments of consciousness alone are mentioned here, and not those that are the instruments of activity as these have no such limits. All the limbs and minor limbs are the instruments of activity. And these are determined by name-karmas of limbs and minor limbs. Moreover, the instruments of action are not five only."3
Here the question arises when Acārya Pujyapada and other old Jainācāryas and scholars like Vacaspati, Jayanta Bhatta and others have forcefully refuted the eleven indriyas of the Samkhya, then why have they not denied or mentioned the number of twenty-two indriyas which are well known in the Buddhist Abhidharma work.5 It is known that in the Buddhist
1. BuddhIndriyani cakṣuḥśrotraghrāṇarasanasparśanakāni. Vākpāṇipādapāyūpasthān karmendriyāṇyāhuḥ.-Sāṁkhyakārikā, 26.
2. Tātparyaṭīkā, p. 531; Nyayamañjarī, p. 483.
3. Pañcendriyani bhavanti, arambho niyamarthaḥ ṣaḍādipratiṣedharthaśca. TS., Bha., p. 162; Sarvarthasiddhi, p. 174. 4. Dhatunam anantaram udditṭhāni pana, indriyāṇi ti bāvīsati indriyāņi cakkhundriyaṁ, sotindriyaṁ, ghanindriyam, jihvindriyam, kayindriyaṁ, manindriyam, itthindriyaṁ, purisindriyam, jïvitindriyaṁ-sukhindriyaṁ dukkhindriyam somanassindriyam, domanassindriyaṁ, upekkhindriyam, saddhindriyam, viriyindriyam, satindriyam, samādhindriyam, paññindriyam, anaññātaññassāmītindriyain aññindriy im aññātāvindriyaṁ ti.-VM.; XVI, 1.
5. Abhidharmakośa, Sphuṭārtha, 95; VM., XVI, 1. 2 ff., Darśana and Cintana, p. 137.
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