the term "isomorphous" for the non-niksepa passage.
We have presented in most cases more than one niksepa, taking several niksepas together or adding non-niksepa passages. Such pieces of text are, on the whole, compact. The different portions have been distinguished by sub-titles.
The reference problem is particularly acute in the case of $834-35 and 37 (see the subtitles). Here it will be inevitable to use a normal edition along with the text given by us.
Although the number of Sámukha specimens is limited we have
a prical cases (Sâmukha irregular) in order to ensure as much uniformity spacerute. Their classification as "Parallels" should not have presented any problem. But the importance attached in our classificatory system to the standard determinants suggested a distinction between unclassified cases with standard determinants (the present Section) and cases without the following Section). The word "Samukha" is not to be understood as a very precise description of the material to be presented in 9947-51. However, the question of irregular niksepas hardly arises within the Nirāmukha area where a fixed pattern is conspicuous by its absence. It is only a certain connection with (and deviation from) the Sámukha pattern which justifies the employment of the expression "irregular".
The two programme verses in 9950-51 (50: vs. 16; 951: vs.3) are strictly speaking merely "niksepas without execution". They have been presented as Entries on account of their connection with the context. This connection may be called "secondary'', but it would appear that the other verses are not much earlier and could be part and parcel of any niksepa.
A few canonical niksepas contained in canonical works outside the Suttāgame edition and in the early exegetical literature (Niryuktis etc., Cūrnis etc.) might have escaped our notice. We quote one instance which we traced in the Mahānisība (DELEU, Mahānisīha, p.71, translation p. 148):tahā ABIGCALĀ: davvao', khettao?, kālao”, bhāvao“. tattha davve': kummās -āiyam davvam GAMEYAWAN. - khettao?: game, bahis vā gāmassa. - kālao: padhama-porisi-m-āīsu. - bhāvao: koha-m-āi-sampanno. jam dehi imam gahissāmi."