Āvaśyaka Ni. 1057 (Haribhadra p.494°). Analysis.
Rşibhāṣitāni 31.
For Sūtraksta see the
ANALYSIS: Text in parentheses (following evam tam) taken from Bhagavati 2.1.90 (S.I, p.418: Skandaka episode). "Examination" (p.53 supra) of LOE, JĪVE, SIDDHI, SIDDHE in Nos. 19-22 (991-4); marana (supra and S.I, p.421) treated in a different manner. Structure in Nos. 19-22 (91-4) identical, text contiguous. Corresponding to the main question ('kim sa-ante ... anante ...?') - recurring at the beginnings of Nos. 19-22 (991-4) - sa-ante/anante is added to the quantitative statement given against each determinant. Refer for this formula also to the concluding passages in Nos. 19-22 (991-4: se ttam, ...). Concluding passages recur in Nos.53, 55 (SS29, 30: se ttam ... (davva-loga)), No.45$26 (se ten'atthenam ... (davva-loga)) and No. 8241 (se ten' atthenam ... [Nirāmukha)). For a partial parallel to the series of catchwords refer to Sūtraksta 2.5 (S.1, p.170): vs. 12 (loe), vs.13 (jive), vs.25 (siddhi). The general topic (loe, jīve, etc.) in Nos. 19-22 (981-4) is in keeping with the preceding passages (sūtra 90). nam (after the determinants) is typical of the execution section in the davvao type niksepas.
NOTES: sagotta (sa-gotra) is "samāna-gotra" (Pāṇini 6.3.85); Kaccāyana-sagotta = "Kātyāyana-gotriyaiḥ samāna-gotre" (Abhidhānarājendra III, p.1834). For Kaccāyaṇasagotta refer to Candraprajñapti (10.16.48; S.II, p.714); for Kaccāyana-gotta refer to Sthāna (7.674; S.I, p.278). For the Brahmin Skandaka see DELEU p.40. Vaisālīya is one of Mahāvīra's names (SCHUBRING $ 17). akkheva is āksepa - praśna (Abhayadeva Āgs p. 114). Magahā (vocative): Skandaka was apparently a native of Magadha. "mama antie" in the sense of "aham''. havvam = "quickly" (PISCHEL SS 336-37). se ... atthe samatthe? = "is this correct?" For āyāma/vikkhambha (length/breadth) refer to Abhayadeva (AgS p. 119": "āyāmo dairghyam, viskambho vistārah"). parikkheva = paridhi (Abhayadeva Āgs p. 1190), "circumference". The canonical prose cliché "na kayâvi na ... nicce" stands for "eternity". pajjava = visesa (Abhayadeva Āgs p.1190; SCHUBRING $ 60). For garuya/lahuya refer to Abhayadeva (Bhagavati 1.9.73, Āgs p.960: "... gurulaghu-dravyam rūpi, aguru-laghu-dravyam tv arūpi ... guru-laghur vāyuh ... aguru-laghv ākāśam ..."); to the Cūrņi (p.43) on Nandī 43; to Višeşāvašyaka Bhā.653-56 (including Āvaśyaka Ni.40, Jinabhadra p.131). guru/laghu refers to sparsa (Sthāna 8.760, S.I, p.288; see also the gātha quoted in Abhayadeva's commentary on Bhagavati: "gāthā 2", Āgs p.96'). For general information on Nos. 19-22 (91-4) see WEBER pp. 196-97.
BHAGAVATI 2.1.90. - REFERENCES: Ags pp. 1176-1184; S.1, p.420; DELEU p.89 (II 1'); WEBER p.263 (45).
"je vi ya te, Khandayā, (ayam eyārūve abbhatthie cintie patthie maņo-gae samkappe samuppajjitthā: "kim) jāva sa-ante JĪVE anante JIVE?' tassa vi nam ayam atthe: