na bhavissati, bhavimu ya bhavati ya bhavissai ya, dhuve nitie sāsate akkhae avvae avatthie nicce. n' atthi puna se ante). bhāvao ya jahā LOYASSA tahā bhāņiyavvā.
tattha: davvao SIDDHI sa-antā, khettao? SIDDHI sa-antā, kālao SIDDHI anantă, bhāvao SIDDHT anantā."
PARALLELS: No. 1981.
ANALYSIS: Text in parentheses (text followed by jāva, cliché for "eternity'') taken fron No. 1991. 4 (following davvao') is an abbreviation, which here stands for the series of four determinants as given in No. 1991. "tattha" corresponds to "se ttam" in SS 1, 2, 4 (concluding passages).
NOTES: siddhi = "īsat-prāgbhārā přthivi" (Abhayadeva Āgs pp. 1190-120°); compare Abhayadeva's explanation with Sthāna 8.843 (S.I, pp.293-94) and Samavāya 42 (S.I, p.326).
BHAGAVATI 2.1.90. - REFERENCES: Āgs p.1189;s.I, pp.420-21; DELEU p.89 (II 1'); WEBER p. 266 (S 47).
"je vi ya te, Khandayā, (ayam eyārūve abbhatthie cintie patthie mano-gae samkappe samuppajjitthā) jāva "kim sa-ante SIDDHE 7 añante SIDDHE?' tam c'eva (tassa vi ya ayam atthe:
evam khalu mae, Khandayā, cauvvihe SIDDHE pannatte, tam jahā: davvao khettao? kālaobhāvao.)
jāva davvao' nam: ege SIDDHE. sa-ante. khe(ttao' nam) SIDDHE: asamkhejja-paesie asamkhejja-paes'-ogādhe. atthi puna se ante. kālao nam SIDDHE: 5'-āie apajjavasie. n'atthi puņa se ante. bhā (vao ņam) SIDDHE: anantā ņāņa-pajjavā aṇantā damsaņa
wan da vaxi japan, ano anthi puna pajjavă (anantā caritta-pajjavā) jāva anantā aguruya-lahuya-pa (j javā). n'atthi puna se ante.
se ttam: davvao' SIDDHE sa-ante, khettao? SIDDHE sa-ante, kālao SIDDHE añante, bhāvao" SIDDHE anante."
PARALLELS: No. 1991.
ANALYSIS: Text in parentheses (followed by jāva) taken from No.1991.