(gabbha-vakkanti) refer to SCHUBRING § 63; SCHUBRING, Tandulavaicārika, p.23; WEBER 1866-67, pp. 177-78.
BHAGAVATI 2.1.85. REFERENCES: AgS p. 109b; S.I, p.416; DELEU p.88 (1112).
"Goyama, (Amukha not supplied)
nam: ananta-paesiyāim davvāim, khettao nam: asamkha-paes'-ogāḍhāim, kālao3: annayara-tthitiyain, bhāvao: vannanantain gandhanantain rasamantain phasamantain ĀṆAMANTI VĀ PĀŅAMANTI VA USASANTI VA NISASANTI VA." "jain bhavao vanganantain ANA VĀ ĀNA= (ANTI VA) PANA (NANTI VA) USA (SANTI VA) NISA (SANTI VA), täin kin ega-vanni AṆAMANTI [VĀ PĀNAMANTI "VA 7 OSA (SANTI VA) NISA (SANTI VA)?" Ahara-gamo neyavvo (29 lines. du-vanni ANAMANTI VĀ PĀŅANANTI VĀ ŪSASANTI VĀ NĪSASANTI VÃ ["Ähāra-gana": ÄHÄRENTIJ eva jāva lukkhaneyavva. "täin, bhante, kip putthain AṆAMANTI VĀ PĀŅAMANTI VĀ ŪSASANTI VĀ NĪSASANTI VA [AHĀRENTI] aputthaim... "Goyama, nivvāghāeṇam chadisin, väghlyan paducca: siya ti-disin siya cau-disin siya pañca-disin) jāva ti-caupañca-disin
PRELIMINARY REMARK ON NO.7837: The present paragraph has to be viewed in the light of No.75$34 and No.76 35. The text in the parentheses ("Ahara-gamo") has been taken from Jīvābhigama (S. II, pp. 107-108) and not from Prajñāpanā as suggested by Abhayadeva. The "2nd extension of bhava" (supplied in Jīvabhigama after the first) is not included into the nikṣepa of Bhagavatī 2.1.85, which ends after the words ticau-panca-disim. For the convenience of the reader we have supplied, in the middle of the parenthesis, the end of the nikṣepa proper (evam jāva lukkhā negavva) and the beginning of the "1st extension" ("taim, bhante ...). The quotation from Jīvābhigama is direct, and the text required for Bhagavatī 2.1.85 forms in Jīvābhigama one
GENERAL SURVEY OF TEXTUAL MATTER CONNECTED WITH NO.75$34, NO.76$35, AND NO.7837: The difficulties found here and elsewhere are due, partly to the subjectmatter and partly to the processes of "reference" and "application". Leaving aside the subject-matter, we have to mention in the first place the references. The highly repetitive character of the subject-matter necessitates numerous references as means of abbreviation. As elsewhere in Jaina literature, the character of the references depends on the character of the repetitive matter (and on the peculiarities of the individual case). Below we shall give some explanation for the references as contained in our