karejjā" alone as a reference to the relevant Bhagavati passages
outside Bhagavati.
occasionally found
Determinants "davva" and "bhava", i.e. only these two determinants. [Distribution:] Mainly in Bhagavati.
Kāla triad with or without appa-bahu as its fourth member. [Distribution:] Kāla triad with appa-bahu mainly in Jivabhigama, occasionally outside it. Kala triad alone (or single kāla motifs) occasionally in Jīvābhigama and other works. - Technical term for one of the kala motifs ("... kalao kevac-ciram hoi?") "samciṭṭhana" in Jīvābhigama, "anubandha" in Bhagavati and Prajñāpanā.
"tattha nam je te". [Distribution:] Mainly Jivabhigama, occurrences outside Jīvābhigama mainly borrowings from (or references to) Jīvābhigama.
Determinants "davv'-aṭṭhayae", "paes'-aṭṭhayae", "davv'-attha-paes'-atthayae". [Distribution: In Prajñāpana only. Occurrences outside Prajñāpana are borrowings from Prajñāpanā. Mostly combined with appa-bahu (and different from the twofold set "davv'atthaye", "paes-atthaye").
Determinants "oghan-atthayae", "paes-atthayle", "oghana-paes-atthayle". (Distribution:] In Prajñāpanā only.
Determinants "davv'-aṭṭhayae", "paes'-atthayae", "ogahan'-atthayae". [Distribution: In Prajñāpanā only (Prajñāpanā Chapter 5).
Determinants"... kalao, khettao ..." (nikṣepa with two determinants in chiasmal
arrangement, compare $542-44). Predicate avahīranti. [Distribution:] Chiasm-cum
predicate in Prajñāpanā only (Chapter 12). Occurrences outside Prajñāpană are borrowings from this work. Chiasm alone is occasionally found outside Prajñāpanā (and as an integral element of the respective works).
"se kim tam", "tam samasao". [Distribution:] In Nandi only (occurrences outside Nandi are borrowings from Nandi).