The Sloka is an adaptation of the language of the Sruti.]
तमाराध्य गुरु भक्तया प्रहप्रश्रयसेवनैः । प्रसन्न तमनुप्राप्य पृच्छेज्ज्ञातव्यमात्मनः ॥ ३४॥
34. Worshipping that Guru with devotion, and approaching him, when he is pleased with prostration, humility and service, (he) should ask him what he has got to know:
स्वामिन्नमस्ते नतलोकबन्धो
कारुण्यसिन्धो पतितं भवाधौ। मामुद्धरात्मीयकटाक्षदृष्टया । . com
. ऋज्यातिकारुण्यसुधाभिवृष्टया ॥ ३५॥ 35. O Master, O friend of those that bow to thee, thou ocean of mercy, I bow to thee, save me, fallen as I am into this sea of birth and death, with a straightforward glance of thine eye, which sheds nectar-like grace supreme.
[The expression abounding in hyperbole, is characteristically Oriental. The meaning is quite plain.]
दोधूयमानं दुरदृष्टवातैः भीतं प्रपन्नं परिपाहि मृत्योः
शरण्यमन्यद्यदहं न जाने ॥३६ ॥