स्वात्मतत्त्वानुसन्धानं भक्तिरित्यपरे जगुः । उक्तसाधनसंपन्नस्तत्त्वजिज्ञासुर । त्मनः उपसीदेद्गुरु प्राशं यस्माद्बन्धविमोक्षणम् ॥ ३२ ॥
32. Others maintain that the inquiry into the truth of one's own Self is devotion. The inquirer about the truth of the Atman who is possessed of the above-mentioned2 means of attainment should approach a wise preceptor, who confers emancipation from bondage.
[1Truth &c.-This is simply putting the statement of the previous Sloka in another way, for we are the Atman in reality, though ignorance has veiled the truth from us. 2Above-mentioned-i.e., in Slokas 19 and 31.]
amarisqfanìsamedì dì aufaza: 1 ब्रह्मण्युपरतः शान्तो निरिन्धन इवानलः । अहेतुकदयासिन्धुर्बन्धुरानमतां सताम् ॥ ३३ ॥
33. Who is versed in the Vedas, sinless, unsmitten by desire and a knower of Brahman par excellence, who has withdrawn himself into Brahman, is calm, like fire' that has consumed its fuel, who is a boundless reservoir of mercy 'that knows no reason, and a friend of all good people who prostrate themselves before him.
[1Fire &c. Cf. Svetâsvatara, VI. 19. The state of mergence in Brahman and the perfect cessation of all activity of the relative plane is meant.
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