of the world, (4) Eternal nature of the Vedas and their authenticity,(5) Validity of true knowledge, (6) Nature of error, (7) Theory of monism, existence of Brahman and nature of Māyā (8) Enumeration of substances according to Vaiseșika system aad Nyāya system, (9) Nature of darkness and Sakti, (10) Nature of Praksti and Purusa; and (11) Bauddha doctrines of momentary existence, five Skandhas and the eight-fold path of salvation.
Bhāvasena quotes from numerous Jain and non-Jain works. Prominent among these are the following-Tattvārtha Sutra of Umāsvāti, Aptamīmāṁsā of Samantabhadra, Samādhitantra of Pujyapāda, Siddhivinischaya of Akalanka, Syada vādasiddhi of Vādībhasimha, Parīksāmukha of Māņikyanandin, Gommata sāra of Nemichandra and Svarūpasambodhana of Mahāsena. The non-Jain works quoted include the following: Rgveda, various Upanişads, Apastamba Srautasütra, YājñavaIkya Smrti, Mahābhārata, Matsyapurāņa Sāmkhyakārikā, Nyāyasūtra, Nyaya sāra, Prasastapādabhāsya, Vyomasiva's commentary on it, Slokavārtika of Kumārila, Prakaranaparichikā of Salikanātha, Brahmasiddhi of Mandanamiśra, Iștasiddhi of Vimuktātman, Madhyamikakārikā of Nāgārjuna, Vijñaptimātratāsiddhi of Vasubandhu, Pramāņavārtika of Dharmakirti, and Tattvasaṁgraha of Sāntarakṣita. Special mention may be made here of a reference to three Cārvāka scholars-Purandara, Udbhata and Aviddhakarņa. Detailed references to all these works and authors can be found in the Appendix.
The present edition is based on a paper MS of Kāranja Bbändāra dated in 1615 A. D. Variant readings of another MS of Humchā Bhāndāra are given in an Appendix. This MS is dated in 1445 A. D.
This is the first philosophical work of Bhāvasena coming to light. We hope to edit some more works from his pen in the near future.
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