- 7 Ohi atet Avadhi Labdhi wafwefeu. A natural acquisition by which a Yogi or an ascetic is able to have visual knowledge of matter in various degrees with reference to Dravya gov Subject-matter, Kshetra Space, Kāla 4 Time and Bhāva 19 Quality of the object known.
Birth-born visual knowledge is to be found in celestial and hellish beings. Celestial and hellish beings have Avadhi Jnāna
af fra Visual knowledge by birth and they have it till death, just as human beings have sensitive and scriptural knowledge. Celestial and hellish beings have sensitive and scriptural knowledge also.
The other kind of visual or direct material knowledge, arises from the part-destruction, part-subsidence, and part operation of the Karmas which obscure visual or direct material knowledge. This knowledge is acquired by others i-e by human and sub-human beings, who are possessed of mind. This is called Guņa-pratyayika Jugra for or acquired by merit as distinguished from birth-born visual knowledge.
Matter and embodied soul are the subject-matter of visual knowledge.
8 Riu fts Rijumati Labdhi #qafa for and 9 Viulamai Laddhi faghat. These two varieties of Labdhis are varieties of Manah-paryāya Jnāna #1: qolg Fra i-e mental knowledge Direct knowledge of another's mental activity about matter.
Riju-mati syafa is simple direct knowledge of simple mental things e-g. direct knowledge of what a man is thinking of now. The thoughts which can be directly known by mental knowledge, must relate to matter. Simple mental knowledge is of three kinds according as the subject of it is the matter and form of thought about the simple activity of body, mind and speech which has been thought of, in the mind of another. It knows the material objects of all the three times i-e past, present and future-thought of by any soul in the present.