16–17. Kési Kumāra Śramaņa on seeing Gañadhara Gautama coming there, gave him suitable respect, gave him clean grass for bedding and five blades of $t Kuśa, Sacrificial grass.
During the interview, a number of important questions were asked by Kési Kumāra Śramaņa and they were ably solved by Gañadhara Mahārāja Indrabhūti Gautama. They form the subject of the twenty-third uga Adhyayana chapter of Uttarādhyayana Sūtra.
Although Kési Kumāra was a very competent starf Acārya, Teacher, and he possessed 29 la Avadhi Jnāna, Visual knowledge, it is apparent that he entertained very high respect for Gañadhara Mahārāja Gautama Swāmi and this incident gives us a ground for admitting the abundance of supernatural powers of a UNT Ganadhara, the head of a corporation of ascetics.
Kési Kumāra Śramāṇa was not a UNT Gañadhara, the head of the congregation of the ascetics of Tirthamkara Bhagavān Shree Parsva Nāth but he was a very competent Acārya among his Order of Ascetics. The head of a family of ascetics is called a TOTT Gañadhara, Kési Kumāra is also styled as #ITOT Kéśī Gaṇadhara but he was not a Ga nadhara. He was a very competent Acārya:
There is some difference in the rules of conduct among the Sadhus of Tirthamkara Bhagavān Shree Pärśva Nath and the rules of conduct among the sādhus of Tirthamkara śrama na Bhagavān Shree Mahāvīra Swāmi and both the illustrious personages Kési Kumāra Sramaņa and Gañadhara Gautama having come to know that ordinary ascetics of both the Tirthamkaras are likely to have doubts as to whether the rules of conduct followed by themselves were the genuine ones or whether the rules of conduct followed by others were genuine, thought of having an interview with the object of deciding such like questions.