The 1 Diksā, Initiation into the Order of Jain-Monks of Ganadhara Agnibhūti occurred under the under-mentioned circumstances.
When Agnibhūti beard from people that his elder brother Indrabhūti had taken raat 7 Bhagavati Dikśā, Initiation into an Order of Monks prescribed in Jaina Scriptures-he thought.
तं च प्रव्रजितं श्रुत्वा, दध्यौ तद्वान्धवोऽपरः । अपि जातु द्रवेदद्रिर्हिमानी प्रज्वलेदपि ॥ १ ॥ वह्निः शीतः स्थिरो वायुः संभवेन्न तु बांधवः । हारयेदिति प्रपच्छ, लोकानश्रद्दधद् मृशम् ॥ २ ॥
1, Tam cha pravrajitam śrutvā dadhyau tad bändhavo aparah; A pi jātu dravedadri r-himāni prajvalédapi.
2. Vahnih sitah sthiro vāyuh sambhavenna tu bāndhavah; • Harayéditi prapacchha, lokāna sraddadhad bhrusham.
1-2 Having heard that his elder brother Indrabhūti Gautama accepted Dikśā, the younger brother (Agnibhūti ) thought, “Even if the mountain may melt away or deep snow may blaze forth into fire or the fire may assume the quality of becoming ) cold or even if the wind were to become stationary, even then, my brother will not be defeated." Consequently, disbelieving it, he asked the people repeatedly.
ततश्च निश्चये जाते चिंतयामास चेतसि ।
गत्वा जित्वा च तं धूत वालयामि सहोदरम ॥ ३ ॥
3. Tataścha nischayé jāté, chintayāmāsa chétasi; Gatvā jitvã cha tam dhurtam vālayāmi sa hodaram.
3. Then, when he was convinced, he thought in his mind “Having gone and having won over that rogue, I will bring back (my) brother."