Monks at his hands, invariably acquired also Moksha Pada the State of Final Emancipation sooner or later.
The auspicious name of Gaṇadhara Bhagavān Indrabhūti Gautama is remembered at the commencement of every auspicious occasion by all Aryau Races and early in the morning by millions of devout lay-men and ascetics.
Ganadhara Agnibhuti.
Agnibhūti s zfan of Gautama gotra, the second Gañadhara of Srama na Bhagavān Mahāvīra, was the younger brother of Ganadhara Bhagavān Indrabhūti Gautama. He was born at Gobara-gama at TIA (Gobbra or Govaraya ) near TFT Rājagriha, in the year 603 B. c. He was a Brāhmin by caste and was well-versed in the four Védas and the six Upāngas. He had five hundred disciples who were receiving instruction in various branches of learning. He was very often busy, like his elder brother, in performing various yn Yagna-Sacrifices,
He renounced the world at the age of forty-six and accepted Terat atent Bhagavati Diksā Initiation into the Order of Jain-Monks, at the hands of Srama na Bhagavān Mahavira and became his second (a madhara.
He then studied the twelve Angas including the fourteen Pūrvas and the Upāngas of the Jain Scriptures during his ascetic Jife and after the expiration of a period of twelve years as his Chadmastba Paryāya Chryggfa, a period of a house-holder's entire existence or of an: ascetic's life before the acquisition of # Kévala Grāna-a stage preparatory to the attainment of Kévala Gpāna, he acquired a Kevala Gnāna, Perfect Knowledge when he was fifty-eight years old.