by your virtuous qualities, I will presently ask permission from my relatives and will positively follow you."
Thereupon, Prabhava and his comrades, eager with the noble idea of renouncing worldly enjoyments, were instantly set free from their bondage by the ruling deity; and they told Jambū Kumāra " Having received the sanction of our relatives, we shall come with you, in the morning, for the purpose of receiving at Dikṣā, Initiation, into an Order of monks, with you."
Jamba Kumāra said " The mind of living beings is very
क्षणं सक्तः क्षणं मुक्तः क्षणं क्रुद्धः क्षणं क्षमी ।
Here: TESTIT, ifta: #921 01 Pill 1. Kșaņam saktaḥ kṣaṇam muktaḥ kṣaṇam kruddhaḥ kṣaṇam
kşami; Mohadyaiḥ kridayevāham kāritaḥ kapicāpalam, 1.
1. I was attached at one moment, released at one moment, angry at one moment, tranquil at one moment. I have, in this way, been made the jesting activity of a monkey, by the dalliance of Air Moh:, Infatuation and
एकाग्रमनसा ध्याता, . देवा अश्ममया अपि । अधिरेणैव तुष्यन्ति, किं पुनश्चेतनो जनः ॥ २ ॥
2. Ekāgramanasā dhyātā, devā aśmamayā api;
Acireņaiva tuşyanti. kim punascetano janaḥ.
2. Even idols of gods made of stone, are appeased in a short time, if they are meditated on with a concentrated mind, then, what about an intelligent being ?