ntter such useless talk? The mendicant replied “The paramour of your wife Nāgilā was your enemy. You killed him and he was born as a son to your wife. Your father, after death became this bull. You killed him and you are now eating his flesh. Besides, the bitch licking the bones of the bull, is your mother star Ambā. She was beaten with a stick and she is crying. I uttered this sloka with the object of instructing you.'
The merchant said "What is proof of the truthfulness of your words ? The medicant replied “
अन्तर्गृहं शुनी नीता जातजातिस्मृतिः सती । .. रत्नजातं तदेषा तन्नि-खातं दर्शयिष्यति ॥ १ ॥
1. Antargriham suni nitā jāta jāti smritih sati; Ratnajātam tadésā tannikbātam darsayisyati.
1. When this bitch is led into the house, she will show the heap of jewels buried in the ground, as she has acquired Hifaefa Jāti smrti, Remembrance of former life.". Saying, so the mendicant went away. As fore-told by the mendicant, the bitch showed the valuable treasure. The merchant, considering the oblation to the manes as useless, commenced practising the Jaina Dharma preached by the mendicant.
On hearing the above-mentioned stories, Prabhava, becoming enlightened in Jain Dharma renounced the world and took Diksā along with his 500 comrades.
AAN Samudraśri addressing Jambu Kumāra said, “O Master! Beware that you may not become the recipient of sorrow, like the farmer 4% Baka, by abandoning sensual enjoyments already in your possession. Now, hear the story about Baka farmer:
In a village named pelat Su-simā, there lived a farmer named Baka. During the rainy season, he produced gram,