that of the other and what must be reason that in one code अचेलकत्व Acélakatva, Remaining without garments, has been sanctioned, while in the other, putting on of valueable and decorative garments has been ordained, although both are directed towards the accomplishment of one desirable object viz. मोक्षमार्ग the Mokshamārga, the Path of Final Emanafation.
अह ते तत्थ सीसाणं विनाय पवितक्कियं । समागमे कयमती उभओ केसिगोयमा ॥ १४ ॥ गोयमे पडिरूवण्णू . सीससंघसमाउले ।
जेठं कुलमवेक्खंतो तेंदुयं वणमागओ ॥ १५ ॥
14. Aha ti tattha sisānam vinnaya pavitakkiyam; Samāgamé kayamati ubhao Kési-Goyamā.
15. Goyamé padirūvaņņū sīsa sangha samāulè; Jettham kulama vehkhan to Ténduyam vaņamāgao.
14-15 Both Kosi Kumara and Ganadhara Gautama having known the doubtful notions of their disciples, made up their minds for an interview. Gañadhara Gautama resourceful of respectful behaviour, went to Ou Tenduyam Ténduka pleasure-garden accompanied by his assemblage of disciples, disregarding his most excellent order.
केसीकुमारसमणो, गोयमं दिस्समागतं । पडिरूवं पडिवत्तिं सम्मं संपडिवज्जती ॥ १६ ॥ पलालं फासुयं तत्थ पंचमं कुसतणाणि य ।
गोयमस्स णिसिज्जाए खिप्पं संपणामए ॥ १७ ॥
16. Késī Kumāra samaņo Goyamam dissamāgatam; Padirūvam padivattim sammam sampadiva jjati.
17. Palālam fāsuyam tattha panchamam kusa taņāņi ya; Goyamassa nisijjāé khippam sampa nämaé.