Balametta (Balamitra) Same as Balamitta.1
1. DasaCu. p. 55.
Balava One of the thirty Muhuttas. Palamba(3) is its another name as found in Samavāya.2
1. Jam. 152, Sur, 47.
Balaviriya (Balavīrya)
1. AvaN. 363, Vis. 1750, AvaM. p. 236.
1. Balasiri (Balaśrī)
1. Vip. 34.
1. Vis 1750, AvaN. 363, AvaCu. I. p. 214, Sth. 616.
2. Sam. 30.
Another name of Teyaviriya. He is the son of Balabhadda(2).1
Same as Balaviriya.1
2. Balasiri King of the city of Amtaramjiyā. Rohagutta(1), the disciple of preceptor Sirigutta, had a discussion with Poṭṭasala in the court of king Balasiri in V.N. 544.1
Chief wife of prince Sujaa of Virapura.1
1. AvaCu. I. p. 424, UttN. and UttS. p. 168, Vis. 2952, AvaBh. 136, NisBh. 5602, KalpV. p. 258.
3. Balasiri Son of king Balabhadda(1) and his queen Miya(2) of Suggiva(4) town. He was also known as Miyaputta(3). He had renounced the world and attained emancipation.2
1. Utt. 19. 1-2.
2. Balahaya Namdaṇavana(1).
2. Utt. Ch. 19.
Balayaloa (Balākāloka) An Aṇariya country beyond river Simdhu(1). It was conquered by Cakkavaṭṭi Bharaha(1).1
1. Jam. 52; JamS. p. 220 mentions it as Balāvaloka and AvaCu. I. p. 191 mentions it as Vilayaloga.
Balabakā or Balāhagā (Balāhakā) Same as Balahaya.1
1. Tir. 147, Sth. 642, Jam. 113.
1. Sam. 104, 113.
Jain Education International
1. Balahaya (Balāhakā) A deity presiding over the Sovatthiyakāda of the Vijjuppabha(1) mountain in Mahävideha.1
1. Jam. 101.
A principal Disākumārī presiding over the Vaira(4) peak in
3. Balȧhayā A principal Disākumārī of the upper world. She is the same as Balahayā(2).
1. Tir. 147-148: Sth. 643 associates her with the lower world.
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