The remaining four are the following Shiksha Vratas or discipli. nary vows; so called because they are preparatory to the discipline of an ascetic's life:
Sāmāyika:-Taking a vow to devote a fixed period every day, once, twice, or three times, at sunrise, sunset and noon to the contemplation of the self for spiritual advancement.
Proshadhopvâsa. Taking a vow to fast on four days of the month, 2. e., the two Ashtamis and the two Chaturdashis.
Bhogopobhoga Parimana. Taking a vow every day to limit one's enjoyment of consumeable and non-consumeable things.
Atithi-Samvibhaga. Taking a vow to take one's food only after feeding ascetics or others, with a part of it.
The following eleven stages of spiritual progress have been laid down for a layman.
1. Darshana Pratimi. A layman who entertains right belief, and follows the five main vows to a limited extent is classed in this stage.
2. Vrata-Pratima. In this stage he observes the five main vows to a limited extent (anuvratas), without transgression and follows the seven supplementary vows.
3. Sāmāyika Pratimā. In this stage he practises faultless contemplation regularly, three times, in the morning, at midday and in the evening, at least for about 48 minutes every time.
4. Proshadhopavāsa Pratimā. In this stage, he observes a fast faultlessly, on the 8th and 14th days of the fortnight.
5. Sachitta Tyāga Pratimă. In this stage he does not take animate water and vegetable, etc.
6. Ratri-Bhukta Tyäga Pratima. He does not take or give food or drink at night.
7. Brahmacharya Pratima. He gives up sexual intercourse even with his wife.
8. Arambha Tyāga Pratimā. He gives up all profession and all means of earning money and all wordly occupations.
9. Parigraha-Tyàga Pratima. He gives up all desire for objects of the world and abandons all property except a very few limited number of clothes and utensils.
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