101. Mundane soul is killed alone, is born alone, dies alone and alone becomes perfect after being liberated from karmas (A right knower should contemplate as such),
एको मे सासदो अप्पा गाणदंसणलक्षणो। सेसा मे बहिरा भावा सव्वे संजोगलक्खणा ॥ १०२॥
एको मे शास्वत प्रात्मा ज्ञानदर्शनलक्षणः। शेषा मे बाह्या भावाः सर्वे संयोगलक्षणा ॥ १०२॥
102. My soul is ever one, eternal, and having knowledge and conation as (its) differentia. All the other thoughtactivities are foreign to me, (because they arise out of soul's) connection with other (substances).
जंकिंचि मे दुचरित्तं सव्वं तिविहेण वोसरे। सामाईयं तु तिविहं करेमि सव्वं णिरायारं ॥ १०३ ॥ यत्किञ्चिन्मे दुश्चरित्रं सर्व त्रिविधेन विसृजामि । सामयिकं तु त्रिविधं करोमि सर्वे निराकारम् ॥ १०३ ॥
103. Whatever wrong conduct is in me, I give up with three fold activity (of body, speech and mind); and practice equanimity (Samayika) which is all (pure) and formless in three ways.
सम्मं मे सव्वभदेसु वेरं मझं ण केणवि। आसाए वोसरित्ता णं समाहि पडिवज्जए ॥१०४॥ साम्यं मे सर्वभूतेषु वैरं मह्यं न केनचित् ।
आशां उत्सृज्य नूनं समाधिः प्रतिपद्यते ॥ १०४ ॥
104. I have equanimity towards all living beings and I have no ill-feeling towards any of them. Giving up all desires. I resort to self-concentration.
णिक्कसायस्स दांतस्त सूरस्स ववसायिणो।। संसारभयभीदस्स पचक्खाणं सुहं हवे ॥ १०५॥
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