Book Title: History of Canonical Literature of Jainas
Author(s): Hiralal R Kapadia
Publisher: Shardaben Chimanbhai Educational Research Centre

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Page 46
________________ CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS as the 5th Uvanga, whereas the other two Sūris mention Sürapannatti as the 5th Uvanga, and similar is the case with the 6th and the 7th Uvangas. Yaśodeva Süri, strikes altogether a different note; for, in his com. (p. 63") on Pakkhiyasutta, he says that Prajñāpanā and Bṛhatprajñapană are two Upangas for Samāvāya. This is rather strange; for, I have not come across any authority who mentions more than one Uvanga for any one of the Angas. Usually we find references wherein only one Uvanga is mentioned for every Anga. It appears that Hiravijaya Suri has made an attempt to reconcile this difference by saying that Prajñäpana and Mahāprajñapana are not two different works. This fails to satisfy me. But at the same time, I am not in a position to explain this situation. Will any veteran scholar of Jainism be therefore pleased to do so? 29 We shall now examine the exegetical literature of the 12 Uvangas if that can throw any light regarding their number and their relation with the corresponding Angas. The earliest com. on Ovavaiya, available at present, is composed by Abhayadeva Sūri, the navāngavṛttikāra." Therein he simply says that this is the Uvanga of Ayāra,' but does not mention its number. The same 1. ' तथा 'पण्णवण ति' जीवादीनां प्रज्ञापनं प्रज्ञापना। बृहत्तरा महाप्रज्ञापना। एते च समवायाङ्गस्योपाङ्गे इति ।" 2. It seems that the following verse of Abhidhānacintāmaņi (kāṇḍa II), suggests that only the 1st 11 Angas had each an Uvanga : "इत्येकादश सोपाङ्गान्यङ्गानि द्वादशं पुनः दृष्टिवादो द्वादशाङ्गी स्याद् गणिपिटकाया ॥ १५९ ॥” From its com. (p. 104) we can infer that Aupapätika is the 1st Uvanga. 3. In Prameyaratnamañjüṣā (p. 2) its author Santicandra has made the following observation after he has pointed out as to which Uvanga belongs to what Anga (this is just in accordance with Suhabohasämäyäri): "अत्र च उपाङ्गक्रमे सामाचार्यादौ कश्चिद् भेदोऽप्यस्ति" 4. This is what I infer from fn. 1 (p. 1") to Prameyaratnamañjūṣā where the following line. occurs : "पाक्षिकवृत्तौ महाप्रज्ञापनाऽपि परमेकार्थताद्वयोः (हीर० ) " It may be noted that in fn. 2, on this very page it is said: (BRO)" This 2nd fn. is in connection with Candraprajñapti. 5. Some name this work as Uvavāiya. 6. This title is justifiable since he has commented upon Angas 3 to 11 as the earlier commentaries on these Argas were lost by his time as suggested in Prabhavakacaritra. In Samvat 1120 he commented upon the 3rd, 4th and 6th Arigas, and in 1128 on the 5th. 7. "इदं चोपा वर्तते, आचाराङ्गस्य... समीपभावेनेदमुपाङ्गम्" (p. 1) Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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