The 3rd Cülā furnishes us with materials pertaining to the biography of Lord Mahāvīra - the materials embodied in several cases in phrases recurring in Pajjosanākappa. It also deals with the five mahāvratas and the reflections associated with them.
The 4th Cūlā which marks the end of the Ayāra, contains 12 verses, the contents of which may remind a Bauddha scholar of Therāgāthās.
This much may be deemed sufficient so far as the contents of Ayāra are concerned. So I shall now mention the following factors whereby the 3rd and the 4th Cūlās cannot be looked upon as brought by Jyesthā from Lord Sīmandhara, though, so suggested in Parisistaparvan (IX, v. 97-100).
(i) Jyesthā is a contemporary of Bhadrabāhusvāmin according to the Parisistaparvan, and this very Bhadrabāhusvāmin informs us in his Ayāranijjutti (v. 290) that Bhāvanā, the 3rd Cūlā is extracted from Satthaparinnā, and Vimutti, the 4th Cūlā, from Dhuya.
(ii) The last verse of Dasaveyaliyanijjutti, too, confirms this opinion; for, it speaks of only two Cūlās and not four, and they are supposed to be
1. For instance &$ 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 15, 17 and 23 of Bhāvanā can be respectively
compared with $$ 1, 2, 97, 98, 90, 10, 108, 109, 110 and 117 of Pajjosanākappa. See
S. B. E. (vol. XXII). 2. The author of Āyaranijjutti is supposed to be the same as that of Pajjosanākappa. If this
is correct, the author of the latter must have borrowed from Ayära. For, firstly Bhāvanā is extracted from Satthaparinnā, and secondly it is a work of a Sthavira other than the
one who wrote a Nijjutti on it. 3. Incidentally it may be mentioned that in this Ayāra (I, vi, 1) there is a description of
the untarnished soul, and that there is a reference to 16 diseases as under :"गण्डी अदुवा कोट्ठी रायंसि अवमारियं । काणियं झिम्मियं चेव कुणियं खुज्जियं तहा ।। उयरिं च पास मुत्त (? मूयं) च सूणियं च गिलासिणं । वेवयं पीढ-सप्पि च सिलिवइं महु-मेहिणं ॥ सोलस एए रोगा अक्खाया अणुपुव्वसो । अह णं फुसन्ति आयंका फासा य असमवसा ॥" These 16 diseases may be translated as below :Boils (? scrofula), leprosy, consumption, epilepsy, blindness, stiffness, lameness, humpbackedness, dropsy, dumbness, apoplexy (?) morbid appetite from overdigestion, tremour, crippledness, elephantiasis and diabetes. It may be noted that these have very little in common with the 16 diseases mentioned in Vivāgasuya (1) as under :
"सासे कासे जरे दाहे कुच्छिसूले भगन्दरे । अरिसा अजीरए दिट्ठीमुद्धसूले अकारए । अच्छिवेयणा कण्णवेयणा कण्डू उयरे कोढे ।"
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