Jhānasaya, Padikkamananijjutti contains about 227 (51+60+5+111) verses. Therein Jogasangaha having about 60 verses has the 1st verse in common with Samavāya (s. 32). It runs as under :
"आलोयणनिरवलावे आवईसु दढधम्मया । अणिस्सओवहाणे य सिक्खा णिप्पडिकम्मया ॥"
Kāüssagganijjutti and Paccakkhānanijjutti consist of about 172 and 94 verses respectively.
Prof. E. Leumann has noted that Bhadrabāhusvāmin's Avassayanijjuti is the 1st redaction. This is due to his surmise that this work and Mülāyāra (VII)' are based upon some common source which he names as "originalNiryukti" consisting of 170 stanzas.
Dasaveyaliyanijjutti - This is a Nijjutti on Dasaveyaliya. It consists of about 447 verses. Out of them there are about 63 verses belonging to its Bhāsa, and they mostly occur in the Nijutti of the 4th ajjhayana. Haribhadra Sūri in his com. (p. 84a) to it has noted one verse as f97acht. In this Nijjutti we come across the nikkevas of 1837 (v. 8), GHT (v. 9), GH (v. 34), Yus (v. 34), (v. 39), 444 (v. 153), H (v. 161), 4 (v. 166), 37 (v. 179), Na (v. 222), 8 (v. 269), Hose (v. 283), PR (v. 328), f9e (v. 333) etc., and niruttas of 375pu (v. 29-30), 4401 (v. 156), The (v. 342) etc. Egatthas also are given e.g. that of 37137 (v. 32), GA (v. 35), 4 (v. 36), FR (v. 52), 440 (v. 158-159), D (v. 270) and
(v. 345-347). In v. 6 Kappa is mentioned. In v. 50 there is a reference to a syllogism consisting of 5 members and to one having 10, and in v. 157, a Jaina saint is compared with several objects. For varieties of gahiyapaya viz. gajja, pajja, geya and cunna are given in v. 170, and the following 4 verses define them. Verse 188 states four types of narration whereas the subsequent ones up to 201 deal with their varieties.? Verses 220, 221 and 224 explain the nature of the soul. In v. 252-253 are enumerated 24 kinds of corn and in v. 254-255 24 kinds of jewels. Verses 259-262 deal with erotic, and v. 351 mentions 8 qualities of gold. 3
1. 189 verses of this are printed in Av. Lit. (pp. 16-19). On the one hand this work is
commented upon by Vasunandin in his Acāravrtti (VII) and on the other hand by
Aparajita and Asadhara in Dharmāmrta. 2. Cf Thāna (IV, 2; s.282).. Samarāïccacariya (pp. 2-3), Upamitibhavaprapancakathā (v.
25-50) and Kuvalayamālā of Uddyotana Sūri. 3. For details see Prof. A. M. Ghatage's artical "Daśavaikālika-Niryukti" published in The
Indian Historical Quarterly (vol. XI, No.4 pp. 627-639). Therein he observes : (i) "The commentator is clearly far-fetched and twisting in interpreting udāharaṇas as the drstāntas of the logical syllogisms." -p. 637 (ii) "Haribhadra's opinion that a vāuliya is a reference to the school of the Nāstikas is not very accurate." —p. 638
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