Book Title: History of Canonical Literature of Jainas
Author(s): Hiralal R Kapadia
Publisher: Shardaben Chimanbhai Educational Research Centre

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Page 60
________________ CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE ĀGAMAS 43 Cūlās and the last two, as the two Cūlas of Dasaveyaliya. This will show that the two Cūlās of Dasaveyaliya are composed and assigned a place in the Jaina scriptures during the life-time of Sthülabhadra and his Guru Bhadrabāhusvāmin, too; for, narration about the 4 Cūlās takes place soon after Jyesthā's conversation with Bhadrabāhusvāmin. According to some printed editions, there are verses expounding these Cūlās, and they form a part of Dasaveyaliyanijjutti, and thus the Cūlās under consideration belong to the same period as that of Bhadrabāhusvāmin. It may be that these verses come from the pen of one who composed bhāsa on Dasaveyaliya. If so, we cannot argue on the basis of these verses alone, that they belong to the period of Bhadrabāhusvāmin. Anyhow, we may, for the time being, assume that the two Gülās are composed during the life-period of Bhadrabāhusvāmin; but even then the question of the order of these two Cūlās with Pindanijjutti and Ohanijjutti remains practically unsolved. So far as Āvassaya is concerned, its authorship is either attributed to to Indrabhūti or to a contemporaneous śrutasthavira. Of course, here, by Āvassaya, I mean that portion of Avassaya on which we have Bhadrabāhusvāmin's Nijjutti and not the entire portion rightly or wrongly included in Āvassaya at present. If we were to accept the view of the majority that Āvassaya was composed by Indrabhūti on the very day he composed dvādaśāngi, it certainly deserves a place prior to the rest of the Mūlasuttas. Bhadrabāhusvāmin's Nijjutti (v. 4) throws light on the authorship of Uttarajjhayaņa which consists of 36 ajjhayanas. There it is said that some of the ajjhayaņas are taken from Anga, some are propounded by Jina, some by Pratyekabuddhas, and some are discourses (samvādas). Vadivetāla śānti Sūri in 1. "Faerima Tremila' 4774 i situaciENICA CENTER FRA 77€ 116011 यक्षादयोऽपि विज्ञाय वतिन्योऽत्रान्तरे तु ताः । भगिन्यः स्थूलभद्रस्य वन्दनाय समाययुः ।।७८॥ . वन्दित्वा गुरुमूचुस्ताः स्थूलभद्रः क नु प्रभो ! लघुदेवकुलेऽस्तीह तासामिति शशंस सः ॥७९॥ ततस्तमभिचेलुस्ताः समायान्तीविलोक्य सः । आश्चर्यदर्शनकृते सिंहरूपं विनिर्ममे ॥८०।। दृष्ट्वा सिंहं तु भीतास्ताः सूरिमेत्य व्यजिज्ञपन् । ज्येष्ठार्यं जग्रसे सिंहस्तत्र सोऽद्यापि तिष्ठति ॥८॥ Fra Terselfgefa Token I got a: His gref a r CPII" - ibid. 2. For instance, in Prof. K. V. Abhyankar's edition, the last verse of this Nijjutti runs as under :"आओ दो चूलाओ आणीआ जक्खिणीए अज्जाए । FIRERUTArant farm faaleugte 118801" 3. "अंगप्पभवा जिणभासिया य पत्तेयबुद्धसंवाया । बंधे मुक्खे य कया छत्तीसं उत्तरज्झयणा ॥४॥ Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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