given in Thana (s.755) tally with thosel given in Uvasagadasa (p. 1). Antagadadasā has 10 ajjhayanas, the names of which are mentioned in Thāna (s. 755) as under:
"णमि १ मातंगे २ सोमिले ३ रामगुत्ते ४ सुदंसणे ५ चेव । जमाली ६ त भगाली त ७ किंकमे ८ पल्लते ति य ९ ॥
फाले अंबडपुत्ते त १० एमेते दस आहिता ॥" Turning to the available Antagadadasā, we do not find therein these 10 ajjhayanas but come across 8 vaggas, and that the 1st vagga has ten ajjhayanas as noted in its following verse :
"गोयम समुद्द सागर गंभीरे चेव होइ थिमिए य ।
अयले कंपिल्ले खलु अक्खोभ पसेणइ वण्ही ॥"2 Thus the names herein entirely differ from those mentioned above.3
1. We have here the above verses almost ad verbatim. 2. This verse is quoted by Abhayadeva Suri in his com. (p. 509", on Thāna, but there
instead of Vanhi we have Vinhū. 3. All of them except Kinkama which occurs as a name of the 2nd ajjhayaņa of the 6th
vagga differ from the names of the ajjhayanas of the remaining 7 vaggas as can be seen from the following verses of the extant Antagadadasa :"अक्खोभ सागरे खलु समुद्द हिमवंत अयलनामे य । धरणे य पूरणे वि य अभिचंदे चेव अट्ठमए ॥"-p.4 "अणीयसे अणंतसेणे अजियसेणे अहिणयरिऊ देवजसे सत्तुसेणे सारणे गए सुमुहे दुम्मुहे कूवए दासए अणाहिट्ठी ॥" -p. 4 "जालि मयालि उवयालि पुरिससेणे य वारिसेणे य ।। पज्जुन्न सम्ब अणिरुद्ध सच्चनेमी य दढनेमी य ॥"-p. 19 "पउमावई य गोरी गन्धारी लक्खणा सुसीमा य । जम्बवई सच्चभामा सप्पिणि मूलसिरि मूलदत्ता वि ॥"-p. 20 "मकाती किंकमे चेव मोग्गरपाणी य कासवे । खेमए धिइधरे चेव केलासे हरिचन्दणे ॥ बारत्त सुदंसण पुण्णभद्द सुमणभद्द सुपइटे मेहे । अइमुत्ते य अलक्खे अज्झयणाणं तु सोलसयं ॥"-p. 25 "नन्दा तह नन्दमई नन्दुत्तर नन्दसेणिया चेव । मस्या सुमस्य महमस्य मरदेवी य अट्ठमा ॥ भद्दा य सुभद्दा य सुजाया सुमणा इ या । भूयदिना य बोद्धव्वा सेणियभज्जाण नामाई ॥"-p. 38 "काली सुकाली महाकाली कण्हा सुकण्हा महाकण्हा । वीरकण्हा य बोद्धव्वा रामकण्हा तहेव य ॥ पिउसेणकण्हा नवमी दसमी महासेणकण्हा य ।"-p. 38 (N. V. Vaidya's edn.) HIST.-13 For Private & Personal Use Only
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