In applying these results to inscription-dates we calonlate the for mean sunrise as described above, $ 238.
If anyone should wish to calculate with a greater namber of decimals than the four givon in the principal Tables he can work as follows. In $ 254 above I have given by both the Siddhantas, with nine decimals of a second, the exact mean anomaly of the sun and mean longitude at true Mesha-sankranti each year. Add for the intervening days, i.e. from the day on which Mosha-samkrånti occurred down to the day in question (included), the quantity obtained by multiplying the figure given for one day in Table XLIII by the number of intervening days. This gives, with eight decimals of a second, the value of mean anomaly and mean longitude for the day. In caloulating for the equation note that the base-equations according to the AryaSiddhanta are complete as given in Table XLVII. They are given in fall for the other author ities in Table XLVIIA.