The Svetāmbara Works
Extent -24 folios%; 13 lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters;
big, clear and fair handwriting; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; space between the lines coloured yellow; the unnumbered foll. marked in the centre with a vertical square so to say and the numbered in the margins also; red chalk and yellow pigment used; complete. Gujarāti language.
Subject - Twenty-five stories pertaining to Vetāla a famous lokakathā.
This work is so to say a sub-story embodied in the Vikramacaritra. It is a kautuka-kathā.
Age - Seems to be old. Author - Pandita Simhapramoda.
Begins - fol. 1a
आदिइ आदिपुरुष नमुं। आदीसर अरिहंत । गुरु गोअम गणधारनिनु । भाराहु भगवंत ॥१॥ etc. वर विगतिइ वेतालनी। कथा सुणु पंचवीस । अधिकं उच्छंकहुं । कोइ म आणु रीस ॥४॥ etc.
Ends - fol. 246
मंगलीक गुरुनाम पवित्र । जास पसाय कवि विचित्र । सरसति माय हयो मगलीक। जसु नामइ कवि...अलीक ॥५६॥etc. संवत सोलविडोत्तरइ ( १६७२ ) । पोष मासि शुदि बीज । रवि दिनि रामरविउनयु । मडमनि पामारड ॥ ५८ ॥ 'तप 'गछ गुरु गोअम सरस सोमविमलसूरिराय । नामिइ नव निधि पामीद्र(इ)। प्रणमइ भूपतिपाय ॥ ५९॥ चरणकमल जसु सेवतां । लहीइ परमानंद । उदयव(च)रणप्रमोद कहि । जेहवु पूनिमचंद ।। ६०॥ तासु सीस पंडितप्रवर । कुशलप्रमोद मुनीस। सकलकलासंपुनससि । पूरवइ सयल जगीस ॥१॥ वरविवेकपरमोदपद । सेवत सुख होइ।
लथि प्रमोद सदा लहइ । मनवंछित फल लोइ ॥ ६२ ॥ --12 [J. L.P.]