The svetambara Works
स्थूलभद्रगुणत्नाकरछन्द Sthulabhadragunaratnakarachanda (? गुणरत्नाकरछन्द)
(? Gunaratnakarachhand )
403 No. 864
1871-72 Size -10% in. by 47 in. Extent-18 folios ; 15 lines to a page; 45 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanāgari
characters%3 small, quite legible, uniform and good hand. writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; daņdas written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, some space is kept blank so that it forms a pattern; in some cases this space is decorated with small designs in red colour; edges of some of the foll. worn out%3; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; 4 Adhikāras in all; extent 1000 Slokas. (On fol. 1a एकसहस्त्रम् विंशतिः is
written in pencil). Age — Old. Author - Sahajasundara. Begins — fol. 10
॥ॐ॥ शि(शश(शि )करनिकरसमुज्वल etc. as in the preceed.
ing entry. Ends - fol. 180
'पाडल 'पुरु सगडाल etc. upto सहजसुंदरमया ॥ ८५ ॥ This is followed by the lines as under :इति श्रीगुणरत्नाकरमहाच्छंद चतुर्थो (5)धिकारसंपूर्ण । श्रीरस्तुः।। ग्रंथश्लोकसंक्षा ॥ १०००॥
श्रोरस्तुः ॥ छ ॥ छ । शुभं भतु ॥ पं. श्री ५ श्री विवेकहर्षगणिशिष्यहीरजीलिखितं । प्रवत्तणीस श्रीविवेकशांतिगणिनी चेली गुरां पठनार्थ शुभं
भवतुः। N. B.- For further particulars see the preceeding entry.