The Svetambara Works
Extent - 17 folios; 18 lines to a page; 34 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina
Devanāgari characters; big, quite legible and tolerably fair hand-writing; borders ruled in two thick lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and upnumbered sides as well, some space is kept blank, so that it forms a design; in the left-hand margin, the title is written in various ways such as सुमित्र, सुमित्रचरित्र and सुमित्रकुमरचरित्र; edges of some of the foll. gone, condition on the whole tolerably good; complete so far as it goes.
Age - Old. Author -Dharmasumudragani. Begins -fol. 1a ॥६॥
पणमि सुमणवय तणु करी । पहिलं पढम जिणंद । जस पयपंकय पूजतां । पूजइ परमाणंद। जगमंडल जस निउ जपइ । जोगीसरइ कवित्ति । सा सारद संथुणवि करि । विरचि । सुसरस कावत ।
etc. as in preceding entry. Ends - fol. 176
भव्यजीवप्रतिबोध । नव रस देसणि । मारगयउविदसइ ए। पाली पूरु भाउ । करम विछोडीय । सिवपुरि जई वसइ ए ॥ २९ ॥ दूहा। भोभविमणं इम संभलउ । दांन तणउं परिमाण ।
इह भवि सं(स)वि सुष संपजइ । पर भवि उत्तम गम ॥३०॥ श्रीः॥ N. B.- For additional information see preceding entry.
1499 No.851
1887-91 Size -10% in. by 44 in. Extent -8 folios%3; 12 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line,