The Svetambara Works
Extent - 135=5+2+2+2-21 - 135 leaves;
4-6 lines to a page ; 90 letters to a line.
Description - Palm-leaf somewhat thin, tough, durable and grey; Jaina
Devanāgarī characters with frequent qh778; big, bold, perfectly legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing; this MS. presents an appearance of the work having been written into three separate columns; but, really speaking, it is not so, for, the lines of the 1st are continued to the rest; borders of each of the lines ruled in two lines in black ink; in the space between every two columns, there is a hole, and one and the same string passes through both the holes, leaves numbered in both the margins; in the first with ordinary numerical figures and in the second, with letter-numerals; first few leaves are missing ; so we find the letter numerals as 30, 4, af. etc.; two blank leaves are placed before the 5th leaf ; leaf 155 is followed by an extra blank leaf; then we have two leaves one of which is numbered as 295 and the other as 235 (?); in the end there are two blank leaves; leaves 470, 476 and 48a are illegible as ink has spread out; unnumbered sides decorated with a red spot in spaces between every two columns; the numbered in each of the two margins, too; condition very good; all the leaves strung together placed between two broad wooden boards; the MS. is well-preserved as it is placed in a card-board box lined with oil-cloth; leaves 83 to 103 missing; this work begins abruptly and ends also abruptly with 406th verse of the seventh canto; leaves 295 and 235 (?) deal with some work in Prakrit; the extent of the cantos is as under :Sarga I Verses 591 Leaves 5a to 21a , II 1187
212 to 550 . III 840 (at least) 562 some leaf after 820
1 832 (?), ? , V
923 1
, 1190 VI 775
1190 to 1430 . VII
1430 to 1556 leaf 56 is placed first instead of 95a, Age – Fairly old.