The Svetāmbora Works
Begins — fol. 10
ॐनमः श्रीशांतिनाथायः ॥
a faenitea etc. as in 724. Ends - fol. 98a
BETRITETIT etc. upto eafSTACARTH: 11
४०३ ग्रंथाग्रं ४०५ अक्षर १६ निर्वृत्तिप्राप्ति र्नाम सप्तमः सर्पः ॥ as in No. 724.
This is followed by the lines as under :समाप्तः इति श्रीशांतिनाथचरित्र संपूर्ण समाप्तः॥ छ ॥ श्रीः॥ संवत् १५२३ वर्षे भाद्रवाविदि १३ रविवारे पं० सिद्धांतधर्मलिखापितं
मांबालिखितं पंडित-श्रीशिवविजयगणिशिष्य-हर्षविजयेन N. B. - For additional particulars see No. 724.
1342 No. 726
1887-91 Size -10% io. by 4f In. Extent -92 folios; 17 lines to a page; 51 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and greyish; Devanāgari characters
with tears; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; space between the pairs coloured red; fol. 1a blank; foll. 10 and 2a each having a nice picture, the first distinctly of a Jina; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; the 4th fol. seems to have been burnt so are the foll. 58-59, 83-88 and 91; the unnumbered foll. having a small disc in red colour, in the centre, the numbered ones in the margins also; almost every fol, worm-eaten, to a smaller or greater extent, the last few very badly; very beautiful pictures on foll. 560 and 57a, the former dealing with the 14 dreams, etc, and the latter with the snānābhiseka by Saudharma and others; the fol. 890 decorated with a picture of Lord śānti. Dātha ; fol. 90a, with that of Yaksa and Yaksiņi belonging to his Tirtha; the latter charming; thus, in all this MS. con, tains 6 illustrations, complete,