The Svetāmbora Works
Extent - 6 folios; 23 lines to a page; 65-70 letters to a lino. Description - Country paper very thin, tough and greyish; Jaina
Devanagari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; very small, quite legible%3; fairly uniform and very good hand-writing: borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered twice in the right-hand margin; once just in the beginning and once when the old numbering was going away as the corners were getting worn out ; edges and corners of several foll. gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so as to form a design;
complete; about 500 verses. . Age - Old. Author - Māạikyasundara, pupil of Merutunga Sūri of the Ascala
gaccha. Subject -A story of Sukaraja, who named Pundarika giri as • Satruti.
For comparison see Sukarājakatha by Subhasila and an
anonymous one. Begins - fol. 1a
ए६०॥ श्री शत्रुजय'तीर्थेशः । श्रीयुगादिजिनेश्वरः । श्रियं दिशतु वो नित्यं नभ्रामरनरेश्वरः ॥१ येन 'शत्रुजये 'त्याख्या । 'पुंडरीक 'गिरेः कृता।
नृपस्य शुकराजस्य वक्ष्ये तस्य कथानकं ॥२ etc. Ends - fol. 60
शुकराजः सर्वदा श्री शत्रुजये' श्रीयुगादिदेवं नमस्कुर्वनखं राज्य पालयामास ।।
श्रीमेरुतुंगसुगुरुप्रणिधानतः श्रीमाणिक्यसुंदर इमां शुकराजसत्कां । नन्यां कथा रचयति स सुविस्मयां श्री'शत्रुजया 'ख्यगिरिगौरवगौरवर्णा ॥१ यावन् 'मेरु 'मही यावद् यावच्चंद्रदिवाकरौ ।। वाच्यमाना जनस्तावत् कथा( थाs) सौ लभतां प्रथाः ॥३