Jaina Literature and Philosophy
पं श्रीविलविजयगा तत्सीय पंफ( ? )त्रोवजयगा तत्सीष्य । पं
प्रतापविजयगा वर्ष १ N. B. - For additional details see No. 765
Sripālakathā (सिद्धचक्रमाहात्म्य)
(Siddhacakramāhātmya ) No. 767
1895-98 Size -111 in. by 41 in. Extent-27 folios%3; 17 lines to a page%3; 50 letters to a line.
Description-Country paper thin, rough, tough and greyish; Jaina
Devanagari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; small, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing: borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so as to form a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of a few foll. gone; condition on the whole good; the MS. ends abruptly with 1332nd verse (i. e, about last 9
Ślokās less ). Age - Old. Author - Ratnasekhara. Subject - Life of Sripāla in Prakrit verse depicting the prowess of
Sidhacakrabhakti. Begins - fol. 1a
ॐ॥ अहं॥
मरिहाइ नवपयाई etc. as in No. 822. Ends - abruptly fol. 27b
मोहस्स खउवसमासमसं वेगाइ लक्खणं परमं । सुहपरिणाममयं नियमप्पाणं दसणं मुणह ॥ ३१ नाणावरणस्स खउवसमेण जहदियाण तत्ताणं । सुद्धावबोहसूवो अप्पुजियवुच्चए नाणं, It ends thys.