Jaina Literature and Philosophy
Sitācarita (सीयाचरिय)
(Siyācariya )
825 No. 825
1899-1915 Size — 104 in. by 4f in. Extent -8 folios ; 20 lines to a page; 54 letters to a line. Description - Country paper very thin, tough and greyish; Jaina
Devanagari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्रा8; small, quite legible, fairly uniform and tolerably good hand-writing i borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; complete; 465 verses; condition very good; the last two or three lines written
in a later and different hand, Age — Old. Author - Bhuvanatunga Suri. Subject - Life of Sita. Begins -fol. 1a ॥ॐ॥
जस्स पयपउम नहचंद जुन्हजलजालखा लियमालाई तिजयं पि सुईजायं तं मुणिसुव्वयजिण नमिउं ॥१ तिजगचमक्कारकरं । मुणिसुव्वयतित्थलद्धमाहप्पं ।
सीयामहासईए । चरिकं कित्तेमि लवमित्तं ॥ २ etc. Ends - fol. 80
नाऊणं परिभाविऊण हियए सम्म इमं सवहा। अब्भक्खाण असंखदुक्खजणयं वज्जेह भग्वा जणा। सील सम्वगुणाण भूसणकरं निव्वाणसंपायर्ग ॥ फेडिज्जंतमलं कलंकवियलं रक्खेह निश्च तहा ॥६४ सीलं गुणसवणसंभूय । वरपवरमाणंदकारइयं । सीयाचरियं सिरिभुवणओगपयसाहगं होउं ॥ ४६५ ॥ इति सीयाचरियं समत्तं ॥ छ ॥ यावन्वेषः फणीभिर्वहति वसुमती यावदादित्यचंद्राबुद्योतेते नभोर्जगति विजयते शासन जनमत्र ।