Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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(6b) Confluence of Opposites by C. R. Jain. (11a) The English translation of the Gujarātī edition of
Sanmatitarka (P. Sammaïpayarana). (12) “The Jaina Theory of Anekanta-Vada" by K. C.
Bhattacharya published in The Jain Antiquary?
(Vol. IX, No. 1, June 1943). On page xvi, 11. 8-11 add: Almost the same exposition is found in the com. on Yogadrstisamuccaya (v. 1.). Some of these lines are also met with, in the svopaj ña com. (p. 1b) on Pañcavatthuga.
On page xvi, fr. 3, add: See pp. 76 and 399 of Vol. I and pp. 128, 134, 154, 156 and 159 of Vol. II. On page XVIII add in (A) Pāïya :
(4a) Ganaharasaddhasayaga (v. 52–59) by Jinadatta Sūri. On page XIX add in (B) Samskrta : (6a) Purātanaprabandhasangraha (the 54th prabandha,
pp. 103-104). (16) Prof. K. V. Abhyankar's Samskrta introduction*
to Vimsati-viisika (P. Vīsavisiyā). (17) Anandasāgara Sūri's Samskrta preface (pp. 15–16)
to Tattvärthādhigamasutra* and its com. by Hari
bhadra Sūri and others. (18) Anandasāgara Sūri's Preface (pp. 4-5) to Vol. II
of Kotyācārya's com. to Visesūvassayabhāsas. On paga XIX add in (C) Gujarāti: (la) H. A. Shah's article "Romanat alaofa" published in
JSS (Vol. I, No. 1, pp. 38–42). (5) B. H. Dosi’s intro. (pp. 3-6) to Samarāiccakahá
(Vol. II).
1 For & consolidated list see my article "planetit area" (in press). 2 For details see p. XXVI. 3 Here he has suggested that Haribhadra Säri knew S'arirakabhäsya
of Sankaräcärya. Jinavijaya holds the opposite view as can be seen from his Samskrta article "The date of Haribhadra Sūri" (pp. 22– 23) and his corresponding article (pp. 57-58) in Hindi published
in J$S (Vol. I, No. I). For details see p. XV. 4 This will be hereafter noted as TS. 5 This work will be hereafter noted as Visesa'.