Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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more strength as the soul goes on subduing infatuation. The graded progress of spiritual devolopment is divided into five stages (bhūmikäs ) viz. adhyātman, bhāvanā, dhyāna, samata and orttisankşaya. As stated in v. 419 & 421 Patañjali has named these first four stages as samprajñāta and the last as asam.. projmat.
Yogadrstisamuccaya designates the stage prior to the commencement of spiritual development as ogha-drști, and explains its various grades by illustrations. The stage following the ogha-drști and culminating in yogāvastha is called yoga-drsti. The graded development of this yogāvastha is explained by dividing it into eight steps known as the eight yoga-drsțis.
Some verses of Yogabindu are quoted elsewhere. For instance, verses 126 to 130 are quoted in the com. on Dharmabindu (1, 19 ) and v. 449 by Gunaratna in his com. Tarkarahasyadīpikā (p. 42a) on Saddarśanasamuccaya (v. 41 ) where it is ascribed to Vindhyavāsin, while, in the com. to Yogabindu it is introduced by the words "34727 97:". Verse 450 is also quoted by Gunaratna on p. 42a, and it is there attributed to Asuri, while there is no such mention in Yogabindu or its com. above referred to.
The late Dr. L. Suali in his preface (p. III) to his edition of Yogabindu with a Saṁskrta com. has made the following observation :
“In many cases it is doubtful whether a verse recurring in several works of Haribhadra, either in the text, or in the commentary, or in both, are by the author himself, or quotations from older works retouched perhaps by Haribhadra. I propose to give in a separate treatise a full list of all such verses from the six* works by Haribhadra...".
From v. 83 of Yogabindu one can safely infer that the five causes which are necessary for the accomplishment of a kārya have been expounded in a work or works composed prior to this work. According to the commentator, one of these works is S'āstravartāsamuccaya.
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This work will be hereafter referred to as TRD. They are: (i) Dharmabindu, (ii) Yogabindri, (ii) Yogadratisamuccaya, (iv) Lokatattvanirnaya, (v) Şaddarśanasamuccaya and (vi) S'astravārtásam uccaya. This topic is treated in AJP, Visavisiya (IY, -15) and to some extent in Lokatattvanirnaya (II, v. 17-20 & 28-30).