Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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verses in different metres. Thus this work gets divided into: three sections. In I, 23-31 undesirable activities of Vişnu, Sambhu, Sakra, Haladhara, Skanda, Arya ( Ambikā), Vināyaka, Brahman, Sūrya, Anala, Soma and Indra are referred to. The author condemns these acts; but he is sufficiently broad-minded to bow to one who is really dispassionate, though he may be named as Brahman, Vişnu, Sankara or Hara. This work describes the nature of the universe (1, 42–75) and states various views about its creation. The next topic is the nature of the soul' (II, 1-11). This is followed by the exposition of the doctrine of karman etc. as propounded in the non-Jaina schools of philosophy (II, 12-35). Here the universe is explained according to the views of those who lay undue emphasis on svabhāva, niyati or parinäma. It then states the Jaina view (II1, 1-37) and thereby refutes the non-Jaina ones previously noted.
In I, 15 we have: 7 alg##: qafar. This can be compared with AJP (Vol. I, p. 212). In I, 19 there is an allusion to a narration pertaining to one who accepted gold.
It may be observed that some of the verses of this work practically tally with those of Bhagavadgitai. For instance I, 52 (eda: qf010 )= XIII, 13; I, 53 ( 55 )= XV, 1; II, 2 (1990)=XV, 16; II, 6 (a meteo ) =V, 14; II, 8 (also )= II, 23; II, 9 (3475to ) = II, 24; and II, 13 (SECO )= VI, 5.9
gan gak... Teme which marks the beginning of II occurs in Svetāsvataropanişad (III, 15 ) and are që... Få in III, 9. head... (a): is found in Išīvāsyopanişad (5) with 7€ for 96. The first foot of एक एव...प्रलीयते tallies with that of Brahmabindu (v. 12).
Some verses from this work are referred to, by Gunaratna in his TRD. For instance, v. 32 & 38 occur in this com. on p. 4a.
(65) Visa visiya? This work in Päïya consists of twenty sections. Each I Soe pp. XXIV and XXV. 2 For details gee P. K. Gode's article "The Bhagavadgita in the
Pre-Śänkarācārya Jaina Sources". This work--the bare text along with Yasodova Sūri's Paccakkhanasarūva, Katantravibhramasutra and its avacūrni by Caritrasimha, Rājasekhara's Dūnaşattrinsikā with avacurgi, Ksamāśramana Jinabhadra Gani's Visesanavaż and Rşivardhana Sūri's Nemistuti is published by R, K, Samsthā, Rutlam, in 1927 A, D .