Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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(58) Laggasuddhi or Laggakundaliyā
This is a small work in Pārya in 133 verses. Its Saṁskyta title is Lagnašuddhi. In v. 132 the word 'Haribhadda' occurs. So it may be inferred that this work is composed by some one known as Haribliadra. This inference is corroborated by the fact that it is attributed to Haribhadra by Kulamandana Gani as can be seen from the following lines occurring in his Vicārāmrtasangraha (p. 11) composed in Samvat 1443 (Tarota):
"धर्मसंग्रहण्यनेकान्तजयपताकापंचवस्तुकोपदेशपदलनशुद्धिलोकतत्त्वनिर्णययोगबिन्दुधर्मबिन्दुपंचाशकषोडशकाष्टकादिप्रकरणानि चतुर्दशशतमितानि पूर्वश्रुतव्यवच्छेदकालानंतरं पंचपंचाशता वर्षेः दिवं गतैः श्रीहरिभद्रसूरिभिर्विरचितानि"
Kulamandana thus equates the author of Laggasuddhi with that of AJP. Hemahaṁsa Gani in his com. (p. 207) on Arambhasiddhi (V, 14), a work of Udayaprabha Sūri( the guru of Mallişena Sūri") has quoted the following verse and attributed its authorship to Haribhadra :--
"कारावयस्स जम्मण रिक्खं दस सोलसं तहहार ।
adta que fa auseis als 14" This verse is found in Laggasuddhi as v. 23. There is a palm-leaf Ms. of this Laggasuddhi in Cambay. Its title is here noted as Lagnakundalika. On the basis of this Ms. variants are noted by Muni Kāntivijaya in his article aufsat grotat)" published in "Jaina Satya Prakāśa" (Vol. VII, No.12). These refer to the printed edition published in Sarivat 1974 by Bhimasinha Manak, along with Arambhasiddhi and Dinasuddhi.
(62) Lokatattvanirnaya or Nptattvanigama
This is a small work in Samskrta. From the opening verse it appears that the title of this work is Nrtattvanigama; but the popular title is somehow Lokatattvanirnaya, and it occurs in the colophon. This work comprises 147 (75+ 35* +37)
1 He has composed SM in Šaka year 1214 i. e. Samvat 1349. 2 This will be hereafter noted as JSP. 3 The text was edited in 1902 A, D., Bhavnagar. It has been published
along with a Gujarāti translation in 1921 A. D. Is No. 10 in Hamsavijayaji Jaina Free Library Series. At least by 1910 A, D. the text was edited and translated into Italian by Dr. L. Suali and it was published in Giornale della societa Asiatica Italiana i. a. Journal of the Italian Asiatic Society (Vol. XVIII, p. 263 ff.). There are quotations from Upanišads, and they are counted as y, I in the edition of 1921 A. D. which I here follow.