Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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In the 100th and 200th verses the author has referred to the doctrine of Gopendra' and in the 300th to that of Kālātīta. It seems that v. 301-307 are from some work of this Kālātīta.
In v. 119 'cári-sañjivinī-cāra’ vyāya is mentioned. : In the late Dr. Suali's edition of the text and the com., the name of the commentator is not mentioned but he cannot be Haribhadra; for, it is not likely that he would address himself as भगवतः श्रीहरिभद्रसूरेः' as is done in the last but one line of the com. If we can, however, look upon this expression as an interpolation and can safely assume that the com. is composed by Haribhadrao it may be noted that in the com. (p. lb) to Yogabindu (I) we come across the following verse which shows his keenness for rationalism and his love for logical reasoning :--
"आग्रही बत निनीषति युक्तिं तत्र यत्र तस्य मतिर्निविष्टा ।
निष्पक्षपातस्य तु युक्तिर्यत्र तत्र तस्य मतिरेति निवेशम् ॥” .
In Yogavāsistha (nyāya-prakarana) this idea is beautifully expressed as under :--
"अपि पौरुषमादेयं शस्त्रं चेद् युक्तिबोधकम् । अन्यत् स्वार्थमपि त्याज्यं भाव्यं न्याय्यैकसेविनाम् ॥ युक्तियुक्तमुपादेयं वचनं बालकादपि । अन्यत् तृणमिव त्याज्यमप्युक्तं पद्मजन्मना ॥"
1 He is mentioned in Lalitavistaro (p. 45b), and a portion is quoted
from his work on this very page. 2 In the following verse of the colophon of Durgapadaprakāśa,
Prabhānapde's com. to Vitarăgastotra, this commentator is referred to as “pratibhāsamudra' and 'muniśvara':--
“तदीयपट्टे प्रतिभासमुद्रः श्रीमान् प्रभानन्दमुनीश्वरोऽभूत् ।
स वीतरागस्तवनेष्वमीषु विनिर्ममे दुर्गपदप्रकाशम् ॥ ४॥" It appears that this is from the pen of the commentator himself. If 80, is it not an instance of self-praise ?
Yasovijaya Gapi has referred to himself in the plural in the last line of his com. to Patañjali's Yogadarśana. It runs as under :--
| “হিলঃ সালীমা অবিশ্বনাশী” 3 In the edition issued as Nog. 24-25 by Jaina-grantha.prakāśaka
sabhà the com, is styled as svopajña. 4 According to Jñänakalasa's Sandehasamuccaya, this verse belongs
to Umäsvätt. Vide Pandit Hergovinda's Samskria intro. (p. 2b, fa.) to Syādvádakalpalatā.