Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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mainly related with dravyānuyoga. It mentions ( Viðha ipannatti on p. 440b (v. 1351) and Revanäïkavva on p. 385b (v. 1159). Verse 543 is a quotation from Dasaveyaliya (IV, II). Dham masangahani is furnished with a scholarly com.” in Sanskrta by Malayagiri Sūris. He has referred to this com, in his Nandisūtravrtti and in his grammar named Malayagirivyakarana as well. Mallişeņa Sūri, too, has referred to this Dhammasangahani as well as to its author in SM, a splendid com. (p. 26, B.S.P. Series) to Kalikālasarvajña Hemacandra Sūri's Anyayogavyavacchedadvātriñsika (v. 6).
(30) Dharmabindu This is a Saṁskṛta work. It is divided into eight adhyāyas (sections). It is mostly in prose. It opens with a verse. The treatment is in a sütra style. Section I deals with the duties of an ordinary house-holder whereas the next with those of a special one. In the latter, is pointed out the way in which a religious sermon should be delivered. Section III explains the vows of the Jaina laity, their transgressions etc. Sections IV and V furnish us with a picture of
1 See HCLJ (pp. 11, 12, 53, 57 & 125). 2 In the com. (p. 44b), the word 'uvarim occurring in y, 75 of the
text is explained us Sarvajinasiddhau' i. e, in Sarvajñasiddhi. The complete idea is that the author will discuss the pertinent topic horeafter i. e. in Sarvajñasiddhi. He has referred to several persons and works. Of them I may note the following:
Indradatta (p. 30b), Gandhabastin (p. 42a), Gośālasişya (p. 2b), Dharmakirti (pp. 69a, 1255, 266a & 422b), Pātrasyämin (p. 30b), Puruşacandra (p. 30b), Prajñäkaragupta (pp. 403b & 4088 ), Bhattärcata (p. 185b), Mallavādin (p. 260a ), Veraruci (p. 243a ), Vyādi (p. 30b) and Sākațāyana (p. 144a ).
Prakrtalaksana is mentioned by him on p. 77b and Vijñananayaprasthāna of Dharmakirti on p. 69a. This work along with Municandra Sūri's com, as edited by the late Dr. Luigi Suali and published in the Bibliotheca Indica. In his preface (p. II) to Yogabindu written in 1910 A, D, he says:
"My Italian translation with exegetical notes of the text, in the press for the Journal of the Italian Asiatic Society: the first part (adhyāyas I-III) is published in vol. 21; the remaining part will issue in the ourrent of this year."
The text and the oom, have been published by the Agatodays Samiti in 1924 A. D. There is a Gujaräti translation by Santigars and one by Manilal N. Doghi published in 1912 A, D.