Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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50 verses.
The entire work, too, goes by the same name1. Some persons believe that just as in Soḍasaka, there are 16 ṣoḍasakas, and in Visavisiya there are twenty visiyās, here, too, there must have been 50 pañcāsagas. But will they take into account that in Astaka there are not 8 astakas but 32? So it is no wonder, if our author did not compose 50 pañcāsagas. Each of the 19 pañcāsagas has a significant title in Samskṛta for it as under:
(i) Śrāvaka-dharma-vidhi, (ii) Dikṣāvidhāna3, (iii) Vandanavidhi (Caityavandana), (iv) Pūjāprakarana (Pūjāvidhi ), (v) Pratyakhyānaprakaraṇa( vidhi), (vi) Stavavidhi, (vii) Jinabhavanakaraṇavidhi', (viii) Pratiṣṭhāvidhi, (ix) Yatrāvidhi, (x) Upāsaka-pratimāvidhi, (xi) Sādhudharmavidhi, (xii) Sāmācārī, (xiii) Piṇḍavidhi, (xiv) Šilangavidhi, (xv) Alocanāvidhi, (xvi) Prayaścittavidhi, (xvii) Sthitasthitavidhi (Sthitādikalpa), (xviii) Sadhupratimă and (xix) Tapovidhi.
This compendium of 19 sets of 50 stanzas has some verses in common with Visavisiya. Some verses of Pañcāsaga VIII tally in meaning with a portion of Nirvanakalikā as stated in the intro. (p. 9a) of the latter.
From p. 22a it appears that some one else' had commented upon Pañcasaga before Abhayadeva Suri did so in Samvat 1124.
(51a) Bhāvanāsiddhi
Whether this work is in Samskṛta or Païya is not known; for, I do not know of any other source than Sarvajñasiddhi (p. 11) which mentions it. The pertinent line is:
"प्रपञ्चितमेतद् भावनासिद्धौ इति नेह प्रयासः”
1 This name is not mentioned by the author himself in this work.
This is mentioned in Paiya at the end of every pañcasaga except the 6th, the 17th, the 18th and the 19th wherein the titles are given in Samskṛta.
3 See "A Fourth Report of Operations in search of Sanskrit Mss. in the Bombay Circle, April 1886 to March 1892" (p. cxxxix) by
P. Peterson.
4 See Pet. Rep. I, app. p. 16, No. 25.
5 See Indian Antiquary (Vol. XXIII, p. 194).
7 " अन्ये त्वविभक्तिकनिदेशं कृत्वा 'मो' निपात इति व्याख्यान्ति ।"