Book Title: Tilakmanjarisara
Author(s): Pallipal Dhanpal, N M Kansara
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 35
________________ 26 In two cases the author of the TMS has passed over minor details (1) In the TM the Vidyādhara king Vicitravītya utters a verbal order to an attendant to take the girls round and show the temple.3In the TMS he is shown as merely whispering something-evidently the same instruction--into the ear of the attendant.35 (2) In the TM, Samaraketu rushes out from the temple of the Love-god when he hears Bandhusundari crying for help. In the TMS, however, Samaraketu notices two feminine hands protruding from the window-grills of the temple 37 and a cry for help. 35 he has skipped over a slight portion of the story. It might as well be a scribal failure. Pallīpāla Dhanapāla has grasped the very spirit and many of the peculiarities of Kavi Dhanapāla especially his love of alliteration. st every verse of the TMS has at least one such sound effect. He has contributed a few sympathetic imageries in the form of similes, 'utpreksas' etc. which are not found in the original prose work. A few specimens of them may be noted below: (1) आसीदतिबलस्तस्यां राजा श्रीमेघवाहनः ।। यत्प्रतापप्रदोपान्तःशत्रुभिः शलभायितम् ।। I. 8. (2) तस्या मयैवमुक्ताया गलिताश्रुकणावलिः । प्राग्दशां दर्शयन्तीव हारश्रियमशिश्रियत् ॥ V. 57. (3) जलधिगतमथालिङ्गयेतं कृतार्थितजीविता तनुमहमपि क्लेशावासं त्यजामि निजामिमाम् । इति कृतमनास्तत्रापप्तं निमील्य विलोचने अपरमचलप्रेमा रामाजनो वितनोतु किम् ॥ V. 167 (4) अर्काश्मनिर्मितं हेमकुम्भोद्भासिशिरोगृहम् । कैलाशमिव भूतेशभालनेत्राग्निभासुरम् || VII. 87 (5) तं निशीथमथ क्षिप्त्वा मक्षु प्रादुरभूत्पुरः। पुमानेको ममोत्सङ्गादद्रिशृङ्गादिवांशुमान् ॥ VII. 102 (6) मेखलासङ्गिनी चारुरचनाभङ्गिमायताम् । विजयार्द्धश्रियो वेणि दक्षिणश्रेणिमागमत् ।। IX. 73. The author of the TMS has considerable command over various metres. His Anustubh is of course not completely free from a slight looseness in a couple of places. 39 But he sails at ease in other metres. 34. cf. TM. p. 274 (17 fr.) 35. G. TMS. V. 106 36. cf. TM. P. 325 (15 ff.) cf. TMS. VI. 78. cf. TMS. VI. 14 ff; VIII. 4 ff. 39. f. TMS, VI. 131B VIII. 69 &c. ___Jain Education Intemational 2010_05 For Private & Personal Use Only


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