J. . Sikdarb
(concreteness or corporeality), sattva (existentialityj. etc., also are fouod in the material.substances.90
According to Sid hasena Gasin Adiman parinama (change or transformation with a beginning) like yoga (activity) and upayoga (consciousness) takes place even in the non-corporeal Souls; similarly it is also operative in the non-Corporeal substances31 like Principle of Motion, etc.
The study of these various views on pariņāma (change or transformation) reveals that Anadi and Adimän pariņāmas are found in all substancescorporeal and non-corporeal, while considering their substratum. They have been studied in the Digambara works like Sarvārthasiddhi, Rajavartika, etc., from the points of view of generality and particularity respectively, while they have been dealt with in the Tattvärtbädhigama Sutra-BhasyaTika of Siddhasena Ganing' from the points of view of series (pravaha) and individuality respectively, as they are occurring in all subsatnces,
It appears clearly froiu the above critical analysis of the paryaya (mode) and parinama (change or transformation) that Arthaparyaya corresponds to Anudi parināma of a Dravya (Substance), while Vyañjana paryaya is in harmony with Adimna pariņāma. Besides, it is revealed that these two pariņāmas are related to Kala (Time). Pariņāma (change) is understandable only with reference to it, whatever may be the varieties and kinds of manifestation. It means destruction of one characteristic and origination of another, having reference to one identical entity,38
NATURE OF PERMANENCE-IN-CHANGE In the Age of Indian Philosophy the concept of parinama (change or transformation) took a new turn in the field of Jaina metaphysical thought with the onward march of its progress, as it is observed in the interpretation of aphorism 'tadbhavaḥ parinamah' given by Ācārya Pajyapāda as 'pratyabhijñanahetuta' - "the cause of the recognition 30 Dravyarvamürtai vasattvādayo anady api pudgaladravye parinamah santatyamumart
han vilinasti, TS., p. 439. 31 "Evan tarhyarapişvapi dravy svādimanapi parināmo astu, ast yeva yogopayo galaksano
livesu vak syamanah, dharmadi şvapi bhavatu tadvadeveti, ko va nivārayati Santam
padartham ? Ibid. 32 Ya tu manyante ripisyevādiman pariņāmc bhavati, nāmürtesit dharmādişu, teşāmarupi
dravyaparyayasrayavyavaharalo pādut pādādilaksaņāyogat parināmābhāvan aparināmitvāccanirdharyamārasvabhāyāḥ syur dharmādayah, svata utpädavyayapariņāmasunyatval. tasmat sarvatra kecidaiadyah kecidadimantah pariņāma iti nyāyah, sūtrakārena cu
kajanāpradarsanārtha mevam sūtranyāsah kyta iti /", Ibid. pp. 439-40. 39 "Dravyas ya svajāt yaparityāgena prayogavisrasalak sario vikārah parināmah", Rājąvārs
rtika, V. 22 (10), p. 477; "Avasthitasya dravyasya pūrvadharmanivyttau dharmântarot pattin pariņāmal", Yoga bhágya. III 13.