Book Title: Jain Darshan ke Maulik Tattva
Author(s): Nathmalmuni, Chhaganlal Shastri
Publisher: Motilal Bengani Charitable Trust Calcutta
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जैन दर्शन के मौलिक तत्त्वं
doad oxygen atoms, your dead carbon atoms, your dead nitrogen atoms, your dead phosphorous atoms and all other atoms dead as grains of shot, of which the braiob is formed. Imagine them separate and senseless, observe then runing together and forming all gimaginable combinations. This as a purely mechanical process is seeable by the mind. But can you see or dream or in any way imagine how out of that mechenioal act and from these individually dead atoms, Mensation, thought and emotion are to arise ? Are you likely tacreate Homer out of the rattling of dioe or Differential calculus' out of the clash of Billiardball ?......You can not satiefy the human understanding in its demand for logical continuity between molecular process and the phenomana of consciousness." . ५५-नहि आत्मानमेकमाघारभूतमन्तरेण संकलनाप्रत्ययो घटते । तथाहि प्रत्येक
मिन्द्रियैः स्वविषयग्रहणे सति परविषये वा प्रवृतेरेकस्य च परिञ्छतुरभावात् मया पञ्चापि विषयाः परिच्छिन्ना इत्यात्मकस्य संकलनाप्रत्ययस्या
ऽभाव इति । --सूत्र वृ० ११८ ५६--विज्ञा० रूप० पृष्ठ-३६७. . ५७-आया भंते । काये अन्ने काये ! गोयमा श्राया काये वि अन्ने वि काये।
रूवि भन्ते! काये अरुवि काये ? गोयमा ! रुवि पि काये अरु वि पिकाये । एवं एकेके पुच्छा-गोयमा ! सचित्ते वि काये अचित्ते वि काये ।
-भग० ११७-४६५ ५८-भग० १४०४.५१४ ५६-भग० १७२६०-भूतेभ्यः कचिदन्य एष शरीरेण सह अन्योन्यानुवेद्यादनन्यौपि ।
--- ६१-माचा• राश१७१,१७२, मग०१७-२. .