Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 42
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[Junt, 1913.
Date.-148h year of Jat, Sundara Pandya "who took every country" [Mina]; su. 7; [Sunday]; "Punaivasu "=Wed, 25 March 1265. [Mina and Sunday, wrongly conjectared for Misha and Wednesday.]
Vira Pandya (Kielhorn's "B".):
(Reign began between 11 Nov. 1252 and 18 July 1253.) 1909 (395) From the south wall of the verandah round the central shrine in the Vyâghrapâdêsvara temple at Siddhalingamadam (8. Aroot). Gift of land by purchase to the temple of Tiruppalippagava-Nayanar at Sirringar, a brahmad@ya in Karukkai-kúrram, a sub-division of Malâdu in Rajaraja-Valanada.
Dato.- 15th year of Karavarman Vira-Paņdya; Dbanne; ba, 8; Saturday; " Hasta"=10th Decr. A.D. 1267. From this inscription it is clear that Kielbom's Vira-Pandya Wasa Mdravarman.
Jatavarman Vira Pandya.
(Reign began between 15 May and 19 June 1254.) 1894 (142) From the outside of the north wall of the second prakdra in the Nellaiyappar temple at Tinnerelly. Gift of a lamp.
Date.-4th year of Jat. Vira-Pandya (no epithet), Vaikasi [22]; Tnesday; "Hasta "=Tues. 14th May A.D. 1258 (=20 Risbabba or Vaikasi). Hasta ended at •57 of the day.
[The solar date, Vaikasi 22, which I found entered conjecturally in the Madras Epigraphist's records, should be 20th.]
1894 (129) From the outside of the south wall of the seeond präldra in the Nollaiyappar temple at Tinnerelly. Gilt of land.
Date.-[4th] year of Jat. Vira-Pandya Simba; ba. 9; Sunday ; " Röhiņi"=Sunday, Aug. 1257 when Simha ba. 9 and Röhini ended at .92 and 74 respectively.
1894 (186) From the outside of west wall of the second prákara in the Nellaiyappar temple at Tinnevelly. Gift of a lamp.
Date.-Year opp. 5th of Jat, Vhen-Pandya (uo epithet); Kanni 14; ba 5; Priday; "Uttara Bhadrapada". On Friday 11 July 1259 (= 14 Kataka, not 14 Kanni), ba. 5 and Utt. Bhad." ended at -86 and -66 respectively.
[Kanni, error for Kataka]
1894 (151) From the inside of the west wall of the third prdkellra in the Mellaiyappar temple at Tinnevelly. Gift of land.
Dato.-7th year of Jat. Virs-Pandya; Kättigai 16, Satabhishaj"=Friday, 12 Nov. 1260 (= 16 Kattigai) when Nak." Satabhishaj" ended at 17 of the day.
1908 (134) From the west wall of the store-room in the Agasty@svara shrine in the Tiruttaliśvara temple at Tirupputar (Madura District). Incomplete. Refers to the shrine of Suryadeva in the temple of Tiruttaliyanda-Nâ yapar and to the Kannadiyan borsemen from a foreign country.
Dato.- 10th year of Jat. Vira Paņdya; no epithet; but Kannadiyan horsemen are referred to); 10th year; Mithuna 7; day of Magha". On Sunday, 1 June 1264 (=7 Mithana) "Magba" ended at .44.
1906 (485) From the north, west and south walls of the central shrine in Vedanara yapa Perumal temple at Murappanäda (Tinnevelly District). Mentions Sri-Pôsala-Vira-SômidêraChatarvedimangalam, a brabmadêys in Marappanadu and matha in it. Refers to a sale made in the 11th your of the king's reign).
Date.-14th year of Jat. Vira-Pandya "who took Ilam, Kongu, and Chola, and performed the anointment of heroes at Perumbárra puliyûr." Karkataka ; su. 1; Sunday; "Pushya". On Sanday 4 July 1266, Karkafaka . l; and "Pusbya" ended at 94 and 79 respectively.