Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 42
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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vidvas, budha or kavi viece, see viss
Vighna, Buddhist missionary Vigraharaja, his Harsha stone inscrip... Vijaya, Vijayapâla, 83; Vijayachandra Vikata, statue, 57 and Hidimba Vikrama, and Malava era, Vikramaditya, Chandragupta II Vilivâyakura, I and II., Andhra
Vira Pandya k., Maravarman
Virasena's cave inscrip
Virasena, poet
30; 244, 247, f. kings 279 and n., 280 vimana, word in Asoka edict 25, 26 and n.,
Vimana vatthu, Pali work
.. 257 26
Vindhya Mts., and Agastya 194; home of the Andhras
277, 278 n., 281 164 and n., 170 31 .. 148 265 42
178 89, 97 n 55 266 n. 57-64 84 58
31; 163; 247
visha-kanya 'poisonous girl' Vishapaharastotra, a work by Dhananjaya Vishnu, g. 20, f.; at Dondra 41; 68; and k. Chandra .. 217, 219 n. Vishnudharma (plural) poem by Bhasa, or Vishnudharmottara, two works of the name.. 53 Vishnuvardhana, his inscriptions 31; 163; Yasodharman .. 247 and n. viss, standard of Far Eastern avoirdupois weight, 95-of commerce 56 oz., 90, 3 lbs., 89:-great,1 and 1 viss, also a standard of tin weight, 95, 5 lbs., 130 n 7;=10 small Patah, 90: double tali, 94 :-in hat money dollar or 780 grs. 25 cents 86:
half dollar in Pegu in 1567 and 1585, 107:of base coinsa penny in Chittagong in 1567,..
107 277 59
Visvamitra, ancestor of the Andhras Visvarapa, an ascetic
Viéyavarman, K. 31; 138, 144; inscrip. of 161
163; 218 .. 141
Vivasval, the Illuminator
Vrishadamçaka, meaning of
Vritra, demon 20-23; or Vritrâsura.. 65, f., 75,f. Vyasa, rival of Bhasa
wang small change 86 n. 5, copper change 157: a gold weight mas, mace.. wang, a coin 213; small silver, 211 stijver 4 doite, 105 n. 98: copper 2 cents 156, f-money of account 238 n 92, 2 cents. 86 n. 5
wang, currency, buaya, 90, 36 keping, cash, 127 of inconstant value
wang baharu, new wang, a coin, 213: silver 2 cents, 85, 156, 158 dubbeltje 2d., 156, 1, :-copper, 85, 86 n 5, 238 n. 94: money of account 5 duit-2 cents 105 n 98 135
Wardak base inscrip.
weavers, of silk in Dasapura-Mandasor 138, 143, f. 147 Weber, collection of Mss., B. Ms., 2 and n., 6 and n., 7-9, 11, f., 14-16, 32, f. weight standards, oriental, origin of .. 120 weights, animal, of Burma, specimens explain
122, f. 212 f. 41 101, ff. B. Ms. 38, f., 41
249 268
weights, Malay, in 1701 Bowrey's tables Wellesley, Prov., inscrips. from West coast (Malay) currency wheel, chakra White Huns and Hunas
widow marriage, among the Dahiyas Willen, Lodewijckoz, History of Dutch Navigation to the East 1609, 214, ff.
197 196
yajñopavita, a symbol Yamunai-thuraivar, Âlavandar Yasamitra, Yasomitra, name B. Ms. 29 Yasodhara, reputed author of the Commentary Jayamangala Yasodharman, 266 n.; and Mihirakula 247 and n.; B. Ms. 27 Yasovarman, k., of Kanauj 249; of Malwa, and
Vishnu-vardhana, k. 31; 199;
Jayasimha yavaga, gruels, Yavanas, a people
Ysamotika, father of Chashtana
Yuddhakanda, a work by Tulasi Dâss
Yue-tchi, 136; Ta-Yjie-chi
Yuwan Chwang, Chinese pilgrim and Pataliputra..
Zeda inscrip.
Zohak, of Pehlevi, tradition
B. Ms. 41 249 189 15-18 137
Zabedj, kingdom in S. and E. of Malacca, and Kalah
..265 n..
40 .. 134